The Daisy Mod

Published by Armored Tj on
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In development
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This mod is a *WORK IN PROGRESS* so lots of new stuff are comeing soon so enjoy!

AND DONT COPY! PLZ IF YOU DO I WIILL KILL YOUR FAMILY!!! just jokeing but dont copy or something will happen to your mod!

This is the Daisy mod adds! new items and 3 new mobs to your game! this is my first mod so dont be a hater :D

go here for a video //

oh and to install you just put the zip in your mods folder AND YOU NEED FORGE get it here //


this mod adds Daisy! to your game! but the only way you can get them is to kill a hobo but hobos only spawn in a forest bio


With a Daisy you can make armor, tools, food ,and more comeing soon!

Hidden Ores

Hidden Ores are ores like Dimonds, Emerald, Iron, and Gold


Robots spawn in the dersets and when you kill them they drop a robot gear!


when you get a robot gear you cam make a gun with 3 diffent colors!


adds a creeper to your game he acts like a creeper but when you kill him he drops creeper skin with creeper skin you can make armor! and now tools!


with steel you can make a steel stick and can be found under ground. now! you can make steel armor with it

Modification files
The Daisy Mod - The Daisy Mod v4 *just fixed some bugs* (OLD) Uploaded on: 07/23/2015 - 18:08   File size: 628.4 KB
The Daisy Mod - The Daisy Mod v5 *adds Creeper and Cookie* (OLD) Uploaded on: 07/23/2015 - 18:08   File size: 649.63 KB
The Daisy Mod - The Daisy Mod v6 *adds steel that does nothing right now* (OLD) Uploaded on: 07/23/2015 - 18:08   File size: 670.47 KB
The Daisy Mod - The Daisy Mod v7 *adds Steel armor and creeper tool set* (NEW) Uploaded on: 07/23/2015 - 18:08   File size: 686.4 KB