Tes Mod

Published by tadnorman on
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Tes is a mod that is being actively worked on and is currently in beta. In beta release 0.2.1 you can find a new ore, edible foods, blocks to build with, mob, and an entirely new dimension called Frae. This mod doesn't really have much right now and isn't based around a theme. It's more of a passion project of mine! Even though it doesn't have much right now. I hope you like what I got so far, and I would love feedback about the mod whether it's a new feature you think would be cool, or just to report a bug. All feedback is good feedback!


-Thank's, tadnorman


---What's in this mod?---

New blocks that can be crafted, mined, and found in a new dimension!

 This mod adds more blocks that can be crafted, mined, or found in a new dimension called Frae. Some of these blocks can even be crafted down to be eaten, or crafted into new blocks. There are even some new ores to discover that can be made into tools and armor!

Many new items to be crafted or found!

There are many more items to be found or crafted. As you can see there are 2 new sets of tools, and armor to craft. There are even more foods that can be found and eaten with various effects. You can also now craft a Frae Flower Crown by crafting Winden flowers together!

New dimension with new mob's to discover!

This is the new dimension called Frae. This dimension is much like home with its trees, mobs, and cave systems. You can even find dungeons underground! But this dimension has new and interesting things to offer you. Like powerful flowers, new trees, ores, and even mobs. But do be careful, not all mobs are friendly in this dimension!  


Minecraft mod files
tesBETA_0.2.1.jar - tesBETA_0.2.1 Uploaded on: 04/11/2020 - 02:37   File size: 543.08 KB
tesBETA_0.2.0.jar - tesBETA_0.2.0 Uploaded on: 04/09/2020 - 03:20   File size: 356.72 KB
TesBETA_0.1.0.jar - TesBETA_0.1.0 Uploaded on: 04/06/2020 - 07:03   File size: 118.24 KB

------BETA RELEASE 0.2.1------

---Things Changed---

- Name of Spotted Oak Leaf Pedals changed to Leaf Pedals

- Name of Spotted Oak Logs and Planks changed to Black Oak Logs and Black Oak Planks

- Winden Flowers now give Strength instead of Speed when right-clicked on

- Most mod textures have been updated to look better


---Things Added---

- New Ore type (Tes Ore) that will replace Tes

- Tes Food Block and Tes Food can be used in a furnace as fule now

------BETA RELEASE 0.2.0------

---Blocks Added---

  • - New ore type (Black Ore) that only spawns in the Frae dimension
  • - New tree type (Spotted Oak) that only spawns in the Frae dimension
  • - New leaf type (Pedaled Leaf) that can only be crafted from 4 Leaf Pedals
  • - New Stair, Slab, Fence, and Plank type (Spotted Wood) that can be made from Spotted Oak Planks
  • - New light illuminating block ( Red Glow Block)
  • - 2 new plants (Winden, and Up Vine) that only spawns in the Frae dimension
  • - 2 new mobs (Frae Pest, and Stone Cow) that can only spawn in the Frae dimension

---Items Added---

  • - Black Ore Chunk
  • - Leaf Pedals
  • - Stone Meat that will drop when killing Stone Pig, Stone Cow, and Frae Pest
  • - New mob spawn eggs
  • - Red Glow Tools, and Black Ore Tools
  • - Red Glow Armor, and Black Ore Armor
  • - Frae Flower Crown

---Frae dimension changes---

The Frae dimension now has more to offer. You can see Spotted Oak trees randomly as

well as 2 new flowers named Winden and Up Vines. If you right-click on the Winden, it will give

you ~10 sec of speed 3. But every time you do this there is a chance of that Winden to turn into

Stomped Winden that will give you nothing when you right-click. There are now two more mobs

to see. The Stone Cow (Passive), and Frae Pest (Hostile). Both will drop Stone Meat that

can be eaten or crafted into stone. There is also a new ore called Black Ore that can be found

deep underground as well.




  • Tes Chunk: A single Tes Block in the crafting grid
  • Tes Food: Smelt Tes Block
  • Tes Block: 4 Tes Chunks in a 2 by 2 square
  • Tes Food Block: 4 Tes Foods in a 2 by 2 square
  • Red Glow Crystal: Smelt Red Glow Ore
  • Frae Portal Igniter: Tes Chunk (Bottom Left), Iron ingot (Middle), and Red Glow Crystal (Top Right) in a diagonal pattern
  • Frae Portal: Nether frame portal, but use Tes Block's instead 


  • Stone pigs are slow and will sink in water. They cannot be damaged by fire, lightning, and cactus. Will only spawn randomly in the Frae dimension 
  • Tes Chunks can be eaten but will give you Hunger, Poison, and Nausea
  • Tes Foods can be eaten and will give you 8 things of hunger
  • Red Glow Ore will give off light
  • Both Red Glow Ore and Tes Blocks can be found naturally spawning in the world underground, and they are not rare