Mob Reborn Mod

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Mod cancelled due to mcreator's death



-Plate Armor:

-Humans wear them

-Very strong

-Naturally spawns in human forts

-How to get this Armor:

--Hold iron chestplate or helmet in main hand

--Hold iron ingot in off hand

--Right click on human

--And done!








Dirt Slab:

-First minecraft slab crafted with 6 dirt!



Locked chest:

-Have chance to spawn when player join the world!

-It's locked, but there must be a key to open it....



-Crafted with plank, two pistons, two iron ingots and two iron nuggets!

-Damage mobs walking on it


Chair and table:

-New furniture blocks!

-They can be crafted with planks!


Small Peonia:

-New flower!



Nether Reactor Core:

-Arcane device crafted with 6 iron ingots and 3 diamonds

-Build a special building made with cobblestone and gold blocks to activate it! {Right click to active}

-Works only in the overworld

-Wach out of possible nether infasion!




Glowing Obsidian:

-New glowing block

-It's very hot! Damage mobs walking on it!

-Can be only get by pigman bartening









Crying Obsidian:

-Crafted with 4 lapis and 1 obsidian

-Cries, and don't like to be hit!

-You better don't destroy it, it can scream very loud

-Right click to set your spawnpoint!








Ruby Ore:

-Found in nether

-Drop ruby

-Affected by silk touch

-Immune to explosions





Ruby Block:

-Storage block

-Immune to explosions

-Crafted with 9 rubies

-Can by used for bartening with pigmans







Illusioner Mansion:

A new small mansion filled with illusions!



Cave:A small cave where killer bunny live




-Big stonebrick buildings

-Humans live in them

-There are actually 3 types of forts {Living Quarters, Forge and Treasure room}

-Some contain loot chests




Indev House:

-Only for old players!

-Spawns on every biome in the overworld

-It have two types!

-Now also spawn in the end and the nether

-Desert indev houses are maked with sandstone or red sandstone





Brick Pyramid:

-Spawns very rare on every biome

-It's mostly uselles



-Items: Key

-Can be used to open locked chest





-Melted ball

-Shoot real fire! Muahahhahaah! 






-Inferno Helmet

-Rare drop from hovering inferno

-Gives you fire resistance

-Hold space when on or in lava to get launched in air and save yourself!






-Rare gem found in nether!

-Can by used for bartening with pigmans






-Rana Friends:

-New rare old-school mobs!

-Types of mobs:Steve, Black Steve, Beast Boy, Rana

-They drop:


Black steve:Gunpowder

Beast boy:Flint


-Steve, Black steve and Beast boy are agresive

-Mob Spawning

Beast Boy:Great Hunger struck by lightning

Steve:Human struck by lightning

Black Steve:Green villager die in lava

Rana:Steve when given it a golden apple





-Spawn in nether

-Neutral mob

-They will change into zombie pigmans when not in nether

-Attack hovering infernos and wither skeletons

-Drops Rubies

-Also have shooting variant

-Scared of zombie pigmans

-Can barter with you:

--Rubies give common items

--Rubies Block give rare items



-The Great Hunger

-Spawn on night in ground

-It will eat players villagers and passive mobs that fells into its jaw {Black smoke}

-When hurt when underground it will pop-up and chase you!

-Drops leather and sometimes players head!

-Scared of creepers





-Hovering Inferno

-Spawn very rare in the nether

-Attack player, villagers, and golems with melted balls

-It drop melted balls and very rare Inferno Helmet

-Have a huge amount of health

-Hate water






-Acts like a normal player

-Attack zombies and illagers

-Neutral mob

-Don't want to talk with you :[

-Drops random inventory!

-Follow when diamond in hand

-Scared of creepers and Great Hungers

-Can open doors

-Spawn on most biomes in day

-Also spawn in forts





-Scared of Players and Humans

-Loves raw fishes

-Can be bread with raw fish

-Spawn in desert at day

-Drops raw fish




-Green Villager

-Hate's world

-Wander on plains in day

-Spawn rarely

-Can talk with you

-He have some serious problems, maybe you can help him?





-Alpha Creeper

-Acts like a old, alpha creeper!

-Attack you on touch

-Like on alpha, it only explodes when die!

-Drops gunpowder

-Likes the classic feel of plains





-Brown Spider

-Acts like tougher, more primitive spider cousin

-Wander on night on plains and forests

-Create webs, when player is nearby!

-Drops Webs







-Illager Beast

-New illager beast with old design!

-Attacks players, villagers, golems and humans

-Have huge amount of health!

-Drops raw beef and a saddle

-They patrol roofed forests, send from mansion










-New zombie type, with original texture from!

-Spawn on swamps, near rivers and oceans

-Spawn only on night

-Use a bucket on him to fill it with water!

-Fun fact, they sound diffrently on land

-They can extinguish any fire like blocks!

-Now zombies that die in water turn into drowned!

-They will disapear when in nether





Next Update coming soon!

Minecraft mod files
MobReborn0.011-Realse3{IndevUpdate1}.jar Uploaded on: 05/08/2020 - 15:08   File size: 555.38 KB
MobReborn0.012-Realse4{IndevUpdate2}.jar Uploaded on: 05/12/2020 - 10:17   File size: 635.25 KB
MobReborn0.013-Realse5{LostUpdate1}.jar Uploaded on: 06/05/2020 - 17:37   File size: 743.26 KB

Tech Update:-CHANGELOG:Added drowned, changelog block, debug blocks and debug commands. Changed human hurt sound to orignal alpha sound.


Indev Update Part 1:Added Steve,Black steve and Beast boy. Added Indev house and nether reactor {WIP}. Pigman and drowned tweaks, Removed changelog block and inferno helmet recipe. Added one goal


Indev Update Part 2:Added Rana, function for nether reactor core and brick pyramid. Added 2 new goals. All structures are now less common. Added more indev house variants.



Lost Update Part 1: Added:Horse armor recipe, Locked chest, Locked chest key, Small Peonia Flower, Spikes,Dirt slab, chair and table. Changed:Green villager quest


is this mod going to be updated to the latest forge version for 1.12.2? like forge 14.23.52859/60? As i cant play with other mods as the forge version for this mod is out of date. If you dont want to is there a way to do it myself?

nice mod, if you add a bees like a creeper face with it like from the image -

Oh Cool! Seems like I'm not the only one to add The Great Hunger to the game :)

PS: That Ravager in the background does not look like one to mess with...

Super mod! Zawsze chciałem zobaczyć zwykłe pigmany wiedząc, że istnieje już zombie pigman (dobra, w 1.16 to się zmieni, ale fajnie zobaczyć coś takiego w starszych wersjach) :)

translation ( I used google translate so its not going to be that good lol)
I have always wanted to see ordinary pigmen knowing that there is already a zombie pigman (okay, in 1.16 it will change, but it's nice to see something like this in older versions