Fluorite Mod

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|-------- Fluorite Mod, by ATT ---------|


What does this mod do?


This mod adds a new rare ore to the game, called fluorite. It has a purple-ish appearance, and generates a max of 3 fluorite per chunk.

It also implements various rouge-like scroll items, which are single-use, and have a variety of effects (I.e, adds a status effect, summon mobs, golems, etc)


Also, when mining the fluorite ore, there is a small chance that it might spawn an Enderfish (New mob).


Well, what can it do?

Fluorite can be used to craft armor. Fluorite armor is slightly stronger than Iron, but weaker than diamond. However, the end-goal is to make a fluorite staff.

This staff has 100 uses; and, it fires fireballs, dealing high damage. The fireball projectile also ignites targets, has a large knockback -- which also explodes on impact with other blocks.


Why should I bother?


This is a brand new mod. This means it will continue to get updated, thus, I will add new scroll ideas, and maybe new items/features.


Minecraft mod files
FluoriteMod.jar - FluoriteMod Download Uploaded on: 05/11/2020 - 20:04   File size: 101.81 KB
  • Launched v.1

The scrolls look awesome, but the custem armor and the custom block textures seem like they were done without effort

i love the scroll textures! honestly, i'd rather just have a "scrolls mod". maybe give the scrolls slightly different textures? you could have a scroll that randomly teleports the player, sets mobs on fire, heals the player or mobs, or increase the durability of other scrolls.

Please give feedback! I'm also looking for new scroll ideas and suggestions (I plan on having over 100+ scrolls on the finished version of this mod).
