creeper mod
This mod will exploit your game (literally) it currently has 12 creepers which are:
what are you doing in my swamp.
Skill: Exploding Loose Evoker Fangs
because my name is a ghost if my face gets drunk. in short hypocrisy.
skill: flies to attack (has no explosive ability)
kill or not kill that's the question
ability: explode and a creeper type appears
you'll be just as angry when I destroy your house
ability: it is faster and has more life than a normal one (it does not have explosive ability)
a creeper and tnt equals total destruction
ability: explode less but leave tnt to destroy more
I hope and do not bother you the drowned is a representation of your future
ability: does not explode but leaves water and a drowned
I like the place where I was born, I hope and it doesn't bother you
ability: drop end stone, shulkers and endermans
it's better to be slow but sure
skill: put snow blocks and strays
spooky scary skeletons
skill: drop skeletons and a block of bones
I hope you like the heat
skill: loose lava
ilusion creeper
Who needs friends when you have yourself?
skill:disappear and create multiple copies
dynamite creeper
don't worry I'm not going to exploit you I'm just going to send you flying
skill:throws dynamite that explodes and ignites on contact
and a secret tnt ;)
collect powders!!
creepers' problems were fixed (a little) if you know how to fix them completely please write
wait wait what the heck your descriptions are amazing
will you give me permission to feature them on a different website with credit to your mod?