all the potions
Minecraft potions mod
clear will clear the sky and get rid of rain or Thunder
thunder will make it thunder
rain will make it rain
oak birch jungle etc maker will make oak birch jungle etc logs under you
dirt maker will make dirt under you
stone maker will make stone under you
dispenser will make you shoot rapid arrows
x will make you travel in the x Coordinate
y will make you travel in the y Coordinate
z will make you travel in the z Coordinate
-y will make you travel into the ground Coordinate
anti mob will make mobs not attack you
despawn will despawn mobs and kill players
nether go will take you to go the nether
end go will make you go to the end
fly will make you fly
mining will destroy all stone water and lava in your way
tnt will rapidly explode under you
maker makes potions
nether going
end going
dark oak
potions recipes:
maker recipe diamond red Redstone emerald iron gold to make the maker block
nether going 8 obsidian around flint and steel right-click the maker block to get the nether go potion
end going 9 eyes of ender right-click the maker block to get the end go potion
all the wood types 9 of there saplings
tnt 9 tnt blocks right-click the maker block to get the tnt potion
stone 9 stone blocks right-click the maker block to get the stone maker potion
dirt 9 dirt blocks right-click the maker block to get the dirt maker potion
bow 9 bows right-click the maker block to get the dispenser potion
tpx 4 ender pearls and 4 dark oak signs right-click the maker block to get the x potion
tpy 4 ender pearls and 4 oak signs right-click the maker block to get the y potion
tpz 4 ender pearls and 4 birch signs right-click the maker block to get the z potion
-y 4 ender pearls and 4 spruce signs right-click the maker block to get the -y potion
fly right-click the maker block with a elytra to get the fly potion
rain right-click the maker block with a water bucket to get the rain potion
clear right-click the maker with a flint and steel to get the clear potion
thunder right-click the maker block with a trident to get the thunder potion
mining right-click the maker block with a diamond pickaxe to get the mining potion
despawn right-click the maker block with a diamond sword to get 10 despawn potion
anti-mob right-click the maker block with a wither skeleton skull to get the anti-mob potion
thanks for downloading
don't forget to check out my other mods
Try improving the description (the formatting): avoid repeating similar lines (just say there's a potion for each kind of wood rather than having a separate line for each type), use points before each line in a list and capitalize the first word when you start a new line.
The description might not be as important as the mod itself but it's one of the first thing people notice