Armor of Mutations

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Armor of Mutations is a Minecraft mod that mutates tools and armor for your benefit, and in this current version there are three types,



Charred armor is an instrument of death. In this version, the armor gives regeneration.

Your sword, shovel, pickaxe, and axe give wither 2 to your enemy for 5 seconds, and your charred hoe gives wither 2 to your enemy for 8 seconds.



Icey armor is an instrument of escpape. In this version, the armor gives resistance.

Your sword, shovel, pickaxe, and axe gives slowness 3 to your enemy for 5 seconds, and your icey hoe gives slowness 3 to your enemy for 8 seconds.



Essence is used to create special armor such as the Invisibility Cloak, Night Vision Goggles, Rabbit Armor, Leaping Boots, and Haste Tools. The essence is plain at first until you put the essence around the item to create that specific essence.


Ore spawns in all biomes, with an average of 3 vein a chunk, and an average of 3 ores in a vein, and generates from Y level 1-45

Each ore drops 4 essence.


Icey and Charred

Icey and Charred are copies of eachother with their damage, rarity, and defense.

Helment: 4 Defense

Chestplate: 9 Defense

Leggings: 7 Defense

Boots: 5 Defense


(All pieces have a toughness of 3)


Sword: 9 Damage

Shovel: 6.5

Pickaxe: 6

Axe: 11

Hoe: 5


Ores spawn in all biomes, with an average of 1 vein a chunk, and an average of 5 ores in a vein, and generates from Y level 1-15



Rabbit armor is used for traveling and escape. You only need to wear one piece of rabbit armor to get its effect, which is getting speed 2. Rabbit armor doesn't have as much protection as diamond armor, but has more than iron. In order to craft these items, you need essence (see below for crafting and above for an explanation)


Helment: 3 Defense

Chestplate: 6 Defense

Leggings: 5 Defense

Boots: 4 Defense


Invisibility Cloak


An invisibility cloak gives you invisibility (and the chestplate, leggings, and boots don't have a texture, so it is just invisibility), and in this set it has night vision goggles, which give you night vision, but these aren't invisible. These items cannot be enchanted, and have little defense. In order to craft these items, you need essence (see below for crafting and above for an explanation)


Helment: 1 Defense

Chestplate: 2 Defense

Leggings: 2 Defense

Boots: 2 Defense


Haste Tools


Haste tools give you Haste 2 (Who would've guesssed), and in order to make them you need to craft a Haste Gem. These tools only include a Shovel, Pickaxe, and Axe. These tools have the same efficiency as Charred and Icey tools, but have a lower durability and harvest level (In this version of the mod the lower harvest level doesn't matter, but in future updates Charred and Icey will be able to collect blocks that Diamond and Haste can't collect)


Magic Ingot and Ore


Magic Ingots are used to create magical items (not many magical items in this version, will be added later). This ingot is used to create magical essence, which is not used for all items, but provides magic for the Leaping Boots (See Below for more). The Ore spawns in the overworld from Y Level 1 - 32 with an average of 4 veins a chucnk, and with an aveerage of 4 ores a group.


Leaping Essence and Boots


Leaping Essence is used to create the Leaping boots, which like it suggests, gives you jump boost. That jump boost buff is Jump Boost 3. These boots are repaired with Magic Ingots and Rabbit Feet. In order to create Leaping Boots you need two Jump Pads (See below for Recipes)




There are 2 new zombies: Charred and Ice.


Charred Zombies give Wither 2 for 5 seconds on contact, and Ice Zombies give Slowness 3 for 5 seconds on contact.


Charred Zombies spawn in warm biomes, i.e. Desert, Nether, Jungle, etc.

Ice Zombies spawn in cold biomes, i.e. Cold Tiaga, Ice Flats, and Frozen Ocean.


They drop their specific ingot (may be updated at a later rdate)


They can be spawners in a dungeon.


Crafting Recipes


Rabbit Hide

Rabbit Helmet

Rabbit Chestplate

Rabbit Leggings

Rabbit Boots

Speed Essence


Charred Helmet

Charred Chestplate

Charred Leggings

Charred Boots

Charred Sword

Charred Shovel

Charred Pickaxe

Charred Axe

Charred Hoe


Icey Helmet

Icey Chestplate

Icey Leggings

Icey Boots

Icey Sword

Icey Shovel

Icey Pickaxe

Icey Axe

Icey Hoe

Night Vision/Invisibility

Goggle Lens


Night Vision Essence

Invisibility Essence

Night Vision Goggles

Invisibility Chestplate

Invisibility Leggings

Invisibility Boots


Haste Shovel

Haste Pickaxe

Haste Axe

Haste Essence

Haste Gem

Magic Leaping

Magic Essence

Leaping Essence

Jump Pad

Leaping Boots

Minecraft mod files
armorofmutations-v1.2.2.jar Uploaded on: 07/29/2020 - 16:41   File size: 265.99 KB
armorofmutations-v1.3.2.jar Uploaded on: 08/01/2020 - 15:23   File size: 343.23 KB

Version 1.3.2


This version adds

- Speed Essence

- Leaping Essence

- Haste Essence

- Haste Gem

- Haste Shovel, Axe, and Pickaxe

- Magic Essence

- Magic Ore

- Magic Ingot

- Jump Pad

- Leaping Boots


This update changes and fixes...

- For Rabbit armor, you need the iron piece of that armor, 6 rabbit hide, and 2 speed essence (see recipes above)

- Icey, Charred, Rabbit, and Invisibility armor now has a normal amount of durability


Version 1.2.2


This version adds

- Essence Ore

- Essence

- Night Vision Essence

- Invisibility Essence

- Goggles

- Night Vision Goggles

- Invisibility Cloak


This version improves Icey and Charred Armor

- Charred Armor gives you regeneration 1

- Icey Armor gives you resistance 1