Legend Mode

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 * All animals: Shark, jellyfish, bear, lion, tiger, snake, crab, scorpion, bird, giraff, penguin, kangaroo, candy chicken, candy cow and alligator

 * All monsters: Goblin, mini raptor, agilisaurus, nether spider, raptor, T rex (boss), pirate, woman pirate, pirate captain (boss), alien space ship, candy cane, Bubble gum       (boss), vampire, Dracula (boss), fairy (can tame), Wizard (Boss), stronger skeleton, friend skeleton (can tame), troll, unicorn and the legend wither!

*All ranged Weapons: Spell book level 1 - spell book level 5, staff, ice staff, fire staff, boomb, spear, fire spear, pirate pistol, poison bow, cob web gun, candy staff, lightning bow, star staff, teleport staff

*All melee weapons: Emerald sword, hammer, double axe, iron reaper, fire reaper, knife, poison sword, gold blade, diamond balde, wooden club, super sword, wither sword, pirate sword, red stone sword, fangs, candy cane sword, titaniom sword, bubble gum sword, fire sword, fire blade, lightning sword, cat sword, the sword of the day and the night, Ultimate sword, big wooden club, pliers of crab and tnt sword 

Minecraft mod files
LegendMode_0.jar Uploaded on: 11/11/2020 - 06:36   File size: 9.11 MB