Caves & Cliffs Update Mod

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This is a mod focused on replicating as much as possible the caves and cliffs update that the mojang team is developing, since many people want to make a survival world with mods, they can do it in the betas or snapshots or they can do it with this mod, It can also be used by people who want to build in a version like 1.16.5, or just for fun.

 This mod brings the Bundles, The Candles, The Goats, The Copper, The Deep Slate, the Warden, the Amethyst and much more.

Currently this mod is not 100% complete but is free for players at this time. Enjoy it!

If you want the previous versions (from 3.0 to the latest updates) get them here:

Minecraft mod files
caves_&_cliffs 2.6.1_.jar - Lofty Peaks Uploaded on: 05/10/2021 - 12:56   File size: 1.45 MB
caves_&_cliffs 3.0.0_.jar - 1.16.5 ! Uploaded on: 05/12/2021 - 02:39   File size: 1.54 MB
caves_&_cliffs_3.3.1.jar Uploaded on: 06/01/2021 - 21:21   File size: 1.13 MB
caves_&_cliffs 3.6.1_.jar Uploaded on: 06/22/2021 - 03:43   File size: 3.55 MB

1.3.0 :

- Copper Block
- Exposed Copper Block
-  Weathered Copper Block
- Oxidized Copper Block
- Copper Ore
- Cut Copper
- Exposed Cut Copper
- Weathered Cut Copper
- Oxidized Cut Copper
- Amethyst Block
- Budding Amethyst
- Amethyst Shard
- Tinted Glass
- Calcite
- Tuff
- Powder Snow Bucket

- Dripstone Block

- Sculk Sensor



- Sculk Chute

- Deep Stone (This block has not been assigned a name from what we know of 1.17, so I took this liberty to name it)

- Glow Berries

- Moss Block

- Dripstones

- Candles



- Moss Carpet

- Sculk Growth

-Deep Stone (Stairs,Walls & Slabs)

- Lightning Rod
- Glow Berry (Food)

- Glow Lichen

- Flowering Azalea

- Flowering Azalea Leaves

- Rooted Dirt

- Hanging Roots



- The Deepstone Has Been Changed To The Grimstone

- Dripleaf Plant

- Bundle

- Amethyst Cluster

- Sculk Sensor Model and Texture Changed

- The Rooted Dirt Texture Has Changed


- The Grimstone Has Been Changed To The Deepslate

- Clay Vase

- Deepslate Ores ( Gold,Iron,Lapis,Diamond,Redstone,Copper & Emerald)

- Smooth Basalt

- The Texture Of The Copper Ore Has Been Changed

- The Texture Of The Cut Copper Has Been Changed


- The Deepslate Top Texture Has Been Changed

- Deepslate Coal Ore

- Brushes 

- Ceramic Shards

- The Cobbled Deepslate Texture Has Been Changed

- Sculk Block

- Sculk Trap

- Deepslate Coal Ore

- Spyglass ( Not Functional )


- Light Block

- ! New Command ! : /give [Player] caves_update:light

- Azalea


- Raw Ores (  Iron, Copper & Gold )

- Raw ( Iron, Copper & Gold ) Block 

- Axolotl

- Glow Squid

- Removed Archeology


- WARDEN!!!!

- Small Dripleaf

- Amethyst Geodes

- Azalea Trees

- Glow Ink Sac

- New bounding boxes for sculk vines, moss carpet and glow lichen

- New Models For Spore Blossom


- Biome : Lofty Peaks

- The texture of the bottom of the sculk chute was changed

- azalea leaves change color depending on the biome where they are.

- New Panorama Overlay.


- Support for Minecraft 1.16.5


- Potted Azalea

- Lush Caves !

- Glow Berrys , Hanging Roots And Spore Blossom can only be put on the ceiling.

- Goats !

-  Added Amethyst Buds

- Copper can now be oxidized.

- Waxed copper added.

- 2 achievements added: Wax On and Wax Off

- The models and textures of the Candles have been changed.

- New Biomes: Snow Capped Peaks and Mountain Grove.

- Goat Horn Added


- Deep Dark Caves 

- New Oficial Panorama of 1.17

- Added Waxed Copper and variations except the cut variation.

- Bug Fixes

the funny thing is that now this mod is completely worthless since were at literal 1.20+ now

cool mod, i think you add a mobs and everything that should be added like axolotls, wardens and everything