Tool Rewards
Previous Version: 1.0.2
Current Version: 1.0.3
Note: Version says 1.16.4, should work with 1.16.5
Hello guys and gals
I bring you the Tool Rewards mod!
What this mod does is, gives you the choice of adding a leveling system to any vanilla Axe, Pickaxe,Shovel, Hoe, or Shears.
- Adds Leveling
- Adds Efficiency, Unbreaking, and Fortune at each level (up to lvl 10)
- Has a Boost Level which makes you gain more Tool XP by multiplying your Boost Lv with how much you gain (only when breaking Ores)
- Block Boost represents a variable that for every X amount of blocks broken your Boost Lv goes up, also everytime you max Block Boost out it gives random amount of Tool XP towards that tool.
:WARNING: You have 2 options either enchant your tools normally, or Use the Tools Rewards system. If your tools have Efficiency, Unbreaking or Fortune enchants on them before you activate leveling mode, those enchants will be lost upon leveling up, this is intentional. You can add any other enchant before/during/after leveling.
[How To]
To add the leveling system to a tool in Survival mode place it in your MAIN hand and sneak+right-click. A mode select GUI should come up select your leveling difficulty.
What does the different difficulties mean? You have to break more blocks, that's all. :)
You can access commands by using /tr
- Set or Change XP for current tool in main-hand use> /tr xp set,add,sub,mult 'amount'
After Setting Adding or Multiplying break a block for it to update!
- Set or Change Boost Lv for current tool in main-hand use> /tr bl set, add, sub, mult 'amount'
Check change log for more info!
For anyone who wants to add their tools.
Tags used for determining tools are forge:pickaxe_tool, forge:axe_tool, forge:shovel_tool
Final Thoughts: This is my first published mod. Thankyou to anyone who gives it a shot. Thanks to the developers of Mcreator!
- Added v1.0.0
- Fixed ores not giving boosted xp amounts.
- Fixed issue where a more difficult tool could have less base xp then a less difficult tool.
- Removed my Dev delete items (sneaking) sorry forgot to do that before release :D
- *note* Looking for a fix as to why once another item is in the main hand it no longer stacks the same item onto itself. *Fixed in v1.0.2*
- Fixed issue where if there was a block in you main hand, and then you mined the same block, it would not stack them together.
- Updated to Minecraft version 1.16.5
- Added Hoe tool
- Added Shear tool