Dawns- Full Release!

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Dawns is a mod that will enhance your Minecraft world by adding new ores, biomes, blocks and- in future updates- mobs! This mod is currently in alpha-testing so feel free to report any bugs as this will greatly help speed up development. The Frost Flinger, Frost Disc and Pyromancer's Staff are all creative-only currently as they are being tested.

Visit https://www.reddit.com/r/LunchboxStudiosGaming for our reddit, where you can make suggestions and give feedback to us! 20+ downloads meant that in the next update, you will get a realm revamp!

The Very Noisy Update adds in the soundtracks to the mod, along with two new minerals: Crystal and Exodium



Made by Lunchbox Studios Games©️

Music composed by Therm0beat


Visit https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL07hg1B95GuLlCnfOFUazoy7HrI8hUb9_ for the Playlist of Dawns Soundtracks

Minecraft mod files
Dawns- The Very Noisy Update.jar - Dawns- Alpha 1.1- Only for those who would like to stay at this version Uploaded on: 04/02/2021 - 14:05   File size: 11.28 MB
Dawns- Miner's Trove Update.jar - The Miner's Trove Update is here! Dawns 1.0 has finally arrived! Uploaded on: 04/27/2021 - 17:00   File size: 11.49 MB
  • Alpha 1.1-  Added soundtrack Growing Up to the Overgrown Forest, added soundtrack Beyond The Ice to the Permafrost/Tundra, added scarySFX, Exodium Gear and Crystal Gear
  • Full Release (1.0) (Miner's Trove)- Added Miner Realm, Miner Zombies and many new ores!

Thank you to everyone who downloaded this mod! Because of you, we will exit alpha with the next update (yes, we will, this is a big update!) I hope you will continue to enjoy this mod!

Hello there!

Just to let you know we will also release a 'lite' version for Bedrock when we get this out of beta