Pigeon's Yummies

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Have you ever played a mod where you can eat nasturtiums?

Tired of your standard diner fare? Do you know how many food mods think they're being original by adding in cheese or pizza and then calling it a day? Pigeon's Yummies adds something new to the menu, serving up a smorgasbord of funky foodstuffs which can't be found anywhere else. Those who enjoy Pigeon's Yummies will find themselves dining on unique courses like Cherrith Chips with pesto, hot-sauce-covered berries, and even cereal made from Nether onions. Not only are these foods balanced and fun to craft, they're also textured in a faithfully Vanilla artstyle and might be mistaken for really being in the basegame.

Features include:

  • Five new farmable plants, found from the Plains to the Nether!
  • Over thirty new custom foods, some with useful effects!
  • Underground food caches filled with emergency meals, perfect for the lost caver!
Minecraft mod files
PigeonsYummies_1_0_116.jar - This mod is for version 1.16.5. I hope you enjoy it! Uploaded on: 08/11/2021 - 23:31   File size: 380.86 KB
PigeonsYummies_1_1_119.jar - This mod is for version 1.19.2. I hope you enjoy it! Uploaded on: 12/03/2022 - 16:28   File size: 247.31 KB

1.0 - Release.
1.1 – New version for 1.19.2. Functionality unchanged.

Submitted by mrak333 on Tue, 10/05/2021 - 19:09 Permalink

the textures are like for mcreator's reality 8/10, i dont found something very ugly. i will change miniature
because looks like this mod is cheap-made, but at least something is here as a welcome photo.