More Zombs

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More Zombs is a Minecraft Mod that adds more undead mobs into the world.

Zombies inspired by Left 4 Dead Special Infected.




Decayed - When killed spawns head and arms that continue to attack the player. Body part spawns are based off difficulty.


Decayed Zombie Image


Infected - Spits at the player leaving behind an area of poison.


Infected Zombie Image


Bloated - Explodes on death giving blindness and nausea to players near by.


Bloated Zombie Image


Mutated - Moves faster, hits harder, and has greater knockback


Mutated Zombie Image


Restrained (boss) - Spawns more zombies every minute. Has a chance to spawn a zombie when hit. Has a Withering Aura around itself. When killed the restrained drops a Withering Heart which can be used to craft the Withering Aura Enchanted Book.


Restrained Zombie Image




Withering Aura Enchantment - Can be put on armor applying the wither effect to enemies in an area around the player based on the enchantments level


Withering Aura Enchantment Recipe


Upcoming Plans/Ideas

Desert Zombies

Snow Zombies

Jungle Zombies

Swamp Zombies

Pillager Zombies

Piglin Zombies

Minecraft mod files
MoreZombs1.16.5-1.1.1.jar Uploaded on: 09/24/2021 - 22:20   File size: 1.94 MB
MoreZombs1.16.5-1.1.0.jar Uploaded on: 09/06/2021 - 14:36   File size: 1.93 MB
MoreZombs1.16.5-1.0.0.jar Uploaded on: 08/17/2021 - 22:00   File size: 1.92 MB

Version 1.1.1

  • Fixed issue where zombies would still spawn in lit areas

Version 1.1.0

  • Updated back end procedures
  • Updated Restrained spawning so they should only spawn on the surface and not down in caves.
  • Updated zombie health and armor to better match normal zombies.
  • Fixed issue with Mutated texture
  • Fixed issue where the zombies would spawn in any dimension. They should now be spawning only in the Overworld.
  • Fixed issue where the Infected spit would do nothing when hitting an entity. Should now spawn a poison effect, same as when it hits a block.