Pirates Armoury

Published by zachadac on
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This mod adds some pirate equipment not much more to it


Please give any and all feedback or things you would like to see in the future

1.0.2 features

  • Bone and Wither Bone items can now be crafted
  • Boarding axes have been added
  • Cutlass' now have built in bleed and boarding lunge
  • Blood Diamonds have been added
  • Nanners have been added
  • First flintlock weapon has been added
  • Helmet enchants can now be applied to any helmet
  • New enchants
  • Enchanted Golden Apples can now be crafted
  • A LOT of reworks
  • Blood in the water mechanic ;)



Items and Armor

Captains hats - gives boost to the attack and attack speed of nearby players wearing bandanas.

Bandanas - give more knockback resistance as to stay in a fight easier.

Guardian Armor - when the full set is on you gain the conduit power effect.

Elder guardian Armor - acts the same as normal guardian armor but you also gain regeneration while in water or rain.

Rum - gives you more strength but also nausea.

Nanners - totally not a banana.

  • Nanners can be gotten from nanner trees which spawn in jungles
  • the sapling must be crafted if you want to farm these

Cutlass' - are a in between of axes and swords dealing slightly more damage but are slightly slower.

  • Right clicking while not sneaking you will lunge in the direction you face.
  • cooldown for 5 seconds.

Boarding Axes - are slower than axes but deal more damage.

  • Acts like cutlass' do on right click but more focused on height.
  • cooldown for 2.5 seconds.
  • if crouching on right click you will scream causing nearby mobs to gain slowness 2 mining fatigue 1 and weakness 1 for 10 seconds.
  • cooldown for 30 seconds.

Flintlock Pistol - A ranged weapon that deals about 10 damage that uses irons balls as ammo.

  • you need a powder pouch in your inventory to use the flintlock pistol the powder pouch is NOT used.
  • cooldown of 3 seconds.

Blood Diamond Items - faster mining speed and more durability than netherite and will deal bleed damage for 4 seconds on hit.

Blood Diamonds - are obtained by planting a blood diamond seed on a skeleton skull and killing mobs near it.

  • when its fully grown it will start spawning blood particles around it.
  • when broken (affected by fortune) it will give you a raw blood diamond.



Weapon Enchantments

Serration - Increases the level of bleed cutlass' deal.

Velocity - Increases lunge distance.

Cutlass Whirlwind - when hitting a enemy damage all enemies around player.

  • Damage is calculated from Cutlass Whirlwind Level + Sweeping Edge Level + Sharpness Level.
  • Cutlass Whirlwind is 1.5 damage per level.
  • Sweeping edge is 1 damage per level.
  • Sharpness is 0.5 damage per level.
  • Fire Aspect now works with Cutlass Whirlwind.
  • Weapons with multiple effects now work.


Helmet Enchantments

Oceans Aegis - If in water or in a ocean biome gain resistance and immunity to nausea and mining fatigue.

Krakens Ward - when hit you will launch the attacker in the opposite direction they are looking.

  • If Thorns is on helmet bleed will be applied to attacker based on thorns level.

Damned Soul - you gain immunity to wither and when in lava or on fire you gain resistance and regeneration.

  • If Fire protection is on any piece of armor gain resistance 2 and regeneration 2 when in lava or on fire.


Potion Effects

Bleed - every 1.5 seconds deals a heat of damage.

  • Bleed is calculated with 30 ticks divided by 1.5 to the power of (level of bleed).

Fish Food -  every 1.5 seconds summon an evokers fang at target.



Elder Guardian

  • 100% 1-3 elder prismarine shards
  • 100% 1-2 poseidons tears
  • 5% 1 guardian core


  • 5% 1-2 poseidons tears


  • 5% 1 Stone Blade
  • 5% 1 Stone Axe Head
  • 2% 1 Familiar Hat

Piglin Brute

  • 10% 1 Gold Leaf
  • 10% 1 Stone Axe Head

Skeleton Mobs

  • 1% 1 Blood Diamond seed while in the nether


 Unique Items

Seven Seas Cutlass

The Seven Seas cutlass has the ability to summon creatures of the deep to attack your foes applying bleed to them.

  • The ability will damage the weapon by 5 points (reduced by unbreaking).

To use the ability keep clicking C until you see particles and hear a dinging that means that it is charged and clicking C again will activate the ability.

But don't think you can just switch off to another weapon or keep it charged because switching off the weapon or waiting for to long will reset the charge.


Oceans Staff (W.I.P)

The oceans staff fires a projectile that does an aoe attack wherever it lands giving the slowness and fish food effects to those in the area for 10 seconds.


Bloods Bane

The Bloods Bane applies bleed 3, wither 2, and weakness 1 for 7 seconds and will apply regeneration 1 to the holder for 5 seconds.


The Beheader has a 7.5% chance to deal 100 damage to zombies, creepers, skeletons, or wither skeletons dropping their head and damage the weapon for 20 points (reduced by unbreaking).


Nanner Cutlass

The Nanner cutlass has a 70% chance to drop 1-3 nanners on hit.

Future plans

  • make gilded items act as gold to piglins
  • make pirate coats (need to find out how to make a chest piece extend onto legs)
  • add bosses and mobs (find out how to use a skeleton model)
  • add more unique cutlass'
  • add guns
  • add structures
  • add more enchants
  • find a way to give items attributes
  • find out how to make transparent mobs and armor
  • fix inconsistencies
  • finish oceans staff
Minecraft mod files
Pirates_Armoury_1.16.5.jar Uploaded on: 10/10/2021 - 07:17   File size: 273.6 KB
Pirates_Armoury_1.16.5_(1.0.1).jar - 1st update Uploaded on: 10/23/2021 - 01:44   File size: 429.69 KB
Pirates_Armoury_1.16.5_0.jar - 1.0.2 update Uploaded on: 12/10/2021 - 01:07   File size: 768.95 KB