About the Mod
(this mod is a test and will be made into a better, more advanced mod after the final release of this one.)
This mod is made to add almost limitless levels of customization to the weapons of vanilla minecraft,
as well as adding new ones with an expansive meta and good balancing. the mod's main goal is to allow players to
personalize weapons to almost anything that they could want, only being limited by the things I add to this mod.
you want a short scythe that deals tons of damage in a small range?
Go for it!
you want a super long axe that pushes enemies back?
Up to you! It's your own mind!
longswords, dane axes, scythes, and polearm weapons are being worked on as well as my own weapon that i'll reveal soon :)
Weapon Descriptions
Broadsword: Larger, slower version of the regular sword that has higher damage but a higher hit delay than that of an axe.
Lance: Thinner, faster version of the regular sword that has noticeably lower damage but almost no hit delay.
Battleaxe: Same concept as the broadsword but retains the function of an axe, as well as its speed.
Tomahawk: Axe with the speed of a sword but slightly less damage than a normal axe.
Staff: Long, medium weight pole that has decent damage and can be (in the future) used to craft longer weapons with more range.
Longsword (Greatsword): Sword that is twice as long as a regular one with almost twice as much damage and more range, but slower hit delay than broadsword.
Dane Axe: Same concept as Greatsword but with the functionality of an axe.
-added Greatswords, Dane Axes, Scythes and Polearms
1.0.3: (IN PROGRESS)
-added recipes
Patch 2
-more damage fixes
Patch 1
-fixed some bugs and matched damage values between forge and fabric versions
Initial Release
- added Broadswords, Battleaxes, Rapiers, Tomahawks and Staffs
Don't know why but I first read the title as "Expensive Weaponry" rather than "Expansive." Great mod though!