Clean Ocean

Published by JustyZ on
Upvotes: 1
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Project status
GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)
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This mod is made to promote #Teamseas who are trying to clean 30 million pounds of trash from the ocean from community donations. 1$ = 1 pound of trash removed.


Clean Ocean is a mod in which you are collecting trash from the waters!

By being in the water you get trash about every second.



Beverage bottles and cigarette butts collected in the waters

#Teamseas poster painting

Craft trash into plastic

Smelt plastic to get charcoal

Plastic tools and armor


To be added:

More trash



If you have any issues or have a suggestion: please leave them in the comments!

Minecraft mod files
CleanOcean 1.01.jar - Version 1.01 release Uploaded on: 11/03/2021 - 12:32   File size: 197.94 KB
CleanOcean.jar - First release Uploaded on: 11/01/2021 - 19:09   File size: 162.05 KB

Update 1.01

You can now craft trash into plastic.

You can turn plastic into tools and armor.

Smelt plastic to get charcoal

Plastic tools break after 20 uses.


First release


Ability to collect trash

Turn trash into charcoal by smelting

#Teamseas poster painting