July 3, 2019 was a peaceful day. I was playing Minecraft like usual, Galacticraft to be more precise. When mining, I found a big ravine, whose bottom was filled with lava; near the lava was a diamond vein. Because of the lava just below, the diamond looked cyan, and I told myself "this looks like an aquamarine ore". Then I remembered I had MCreator.
So I made my Aquamarine mod. But when holding all this power in my hands, I told myself "I could add a million ores if I wanted", then I began my project: Mineral Galore.
Today, when looking back, this mod reminds me of the game Edge of Space: incomplete, buggy and unfinished. And even childish sometimes. I added almost 50 ores, while 40% of them being globally useless. With too many random bosses, which half of them are terribly easy. So I decided to reboot it, in a better and more complete way, and this time upgraded to 1.14.4.
Mineral Galore! Evolution - A mod filled with mining adventures, in every Dimension and even new ones to have more space to put Ores!
Actual state: 10 ores - 164 mod elements in Metal In Metal 2.0
Let's go into the description. Careful, I love long and detailed descriptions.
The Refinery's out again!!! Same principle as in the original mod: right-click to open the GUI, put your minerals in the left slot, get your materials at right!! And take the scrap below, but bah, who cares about scrap. It has been completely reworked, the GUI is slightly enhanced, and it now looks like a portable electrolyzer! With some transparency problems tho, it's probably related to Minecraft's code; it does the same thing with frozen oceans.
So, only two Mobs yet. More incoming!
- Roca Maggot: Remember the little brown crawling thing? Well, not anymore. The Roca Maggot is a stone-coated rattlesnake with two long pointy teeth! It just deals damage yet, but since the majority of snakes are venomous, I'll try to add a specific poison effect for its bite. When you kill it, it has approximately 10% chance to rop a Red Agate, and 1% chance to drop a mysterious stone tablet...
- Miner: everything's in the name. Nothing different compared to the original: a Steve with a pick and a helmet. Has been slightly rebalanced, so it's now less dangerous. But not a lot, it still has some punch. He's neutral too, like in the original: it won't attack unless provoked, but always attack in groups and can see you over a large distance!
1.1 comes with the first Supersword! This class of big powerful swords was already present in the original, but were like totally random weapons: 10 damage per hit, for a sixth of Diamond's durability. In this mod, they have been rebalanced a lot: the only one yet does 18 DPS, with 1024 durability. Last thing to do: implement a mob able to withstand this, because you can now kill a Creeper in two hits.
2.0 Brought two new special weapons! The Silver Sword and the Arrow Rain Staff.
- The first one is pretty much like a regular sword, same look, same damage, nothing special you'd say. Well, use the sword instead of swinging it (just click the other button) and it'll select up to ten enemies to inflict damage at a distance! It only targets undeads except the Wither, and two of each species.
- The Arrow Rain Staff: there's pretty much like everything in the name. Right-click, and BAM, a rain of arrows. Don't forget to run, because arrows are pointy.
These two new weapons use a brand new system: Mana! It's a hidden resource that constantly regenerates at a slow rate. Its amount is displayed in the bottom-left corner:

Its cap is 120, and it regenerates at the rate of two points per second.Quaff a Lesser Mana Potion to quickly regenerate a few!
Apart from this, there's also a bow. Slightly OP since MCreator doesn't handle setting a draw time for the bow, so the arrows shoot at a AK-47 rate. I tried to balance this by making the arrows more costly than their classical counterparts.
Every ore name will be followed by its implement version, in brackets.
- Aquamarine (1.0): the original ore can be found below Y=48, below the oceans and swamps. It's approximately four times rarer than Iron, and can be used to craft a set of tools with the same potency as Iron but 50% more resistant. It also restores an air bubble when mined underwater. Will have more uses later!
- Topaz (1.0): this precious orange gem can be found at the same depth as Diamonds, but in smaller veins. It corresponds to the fourth tier of tools, more efficient than the blue pickaxe and can mine things the Diamond can't, with a 24% durability bonus.
- Sulfur (1.0): the old yellow powder became a handful of yellow clumps. This ore shares some properties with coal, notably being used to lit furnaces, but is less powerful than the black chunks. It can be found at any height, but seven times more frequently than coal.
- Smoky Quartz (1.0): this dark purple crystal can be found at any height in the Nether, along with the white Quartz. It's around eight times rarer, which means it's a lot more common than before. It allows making a sword and a mid-tier armor between Iron and Diamond.
- Zircon (1.1): this Diamond-looking ore has everything to confuse you: it spawns at same height and same rarity, looks very similar from the precious blue ore and is as hard to mine. But surprise, it's not a Diamond! Yet it can only be used to craft a Sword, but it'll be your future later.
- Agates (1.1): these colored ores spawn in little clusters, scattered around your world. They allow to craft the Agate Bow and the Arrow Rain Staff. It comes in six different colors, each of them having a different spawn location:
- Blue Agate spawns near rivers.
- Green Agate spawns everywhere near the surface.
- Red Agate spawns everywhere at extreme depths.
- Cyan Agate spawns near cold and frozen water.
- Pink Agate spawns in big clusters on the ocean floor, but only in warm water.
- Yellow Agate spawns in big clusters below the Desert's sand.
- Pyrite (1.1): Fool's Gold spawns where Gold can spawn, but unlike in real life, it is easily distinguishable from its expensive counterpart. Useless yet, but it'll have a special use later!
- Proustite (2.0): this ore spawned in Layer-1 in the original, but it has been relocated to Overworld. It's a very rare ore (kinda as rare as Topaz), so you might want to rely on the next ore to get some Silver.
- Sphalerite (2.0): I still laugh when seeing what did this ore look like before. Sphalerite is black, and the red form is very rare. So it's now a deep gray, slightly dark green ore, spawning below Y=32, with same rarity as Gold. It can be smelt for some Zinc, or refined for more Zinc.
- Cuprite (2.0): Same as Sphalerite, but 50% more common. Spawns below Y=32, can be smelted for some Copper or refined for even more Copper. Alloy it with Zinc to get Brass! Yet useless, wait for the next version to discover their uses.
Next version will contain: a new Staff, four new Ores and a mysterious hollow deep below. Oh, and also some uses for our four new metals, as Silver's only use yet is to make the Arrow Rain Staff and the three other ones are useless.
1.0 - Sunrise (March 17, 2020): Added Aquamarine, Topaz, Sulfur and Smoky Quartz ores, blocks and gems. Added Aquamarine, Topaz and Smoky Quartz swords. Added Aquamarine and Topaz tools. Added a bunch of creative tabs, yet mostly empty.
1.1 - Ground Rainbow (March 19, 2020): Added Zircon, six colors of Agate and Pyrite. Added the possibility to repair tools. Added Zircon Sword. Changed Smoky Sword texture. Added the first Supersword. Added informative tooltips for gems. Added a background for the yet only achievement, added two creative tabs and modified previous ones' names and icons.
2.0 - Metal In Metal (March 21, 2020): Added Basalt and Polished Basalt. Added Basalt Shrine, WIP structure with a chest. Added Cuprite, Sphalerite and Proustite ores. Added metals Copper, Zinc, Brass and Silver. Added the mana System, and Lesser Mana Potion. Added Agate Bow, Agate Arrow and Arrow Rain Staff. Added Roca Maggot and Miner mobs. Added Electro Refinery and fixed a few oversights.
okay, a few things with the new updates:
1.how did you make the special weapons?
2.superswords are now even stronger than before, please balance or removed them
3.Mana looks weird
4.Your images don't work
5.You could use the cooldown item procedure block for the bow
6.You should make sulfur rare bc coal is already extremely common and we don't need even more common fuel ores
7.Zircons should have more uses
8.agates should make decoration stuff
9.please don't add useless ores or features
1. With procedures I think.
3. What aspect is weird?
4. Which images? I tested the mod a lot of times and everything works perfectly.
5. I'll do this for the next update
6. Good idea
7. As I said in the desc, I'm working on it, please read before saying anything
8. Working on it too
9. You don't even know what I'm planning. Everything will be useful, and just take a look at the old Mineral Galore to have a good idea of what I'll do later.
1. Can you tell me how to do that please?
3.It is a variable on the screen, not a bar so it looks out of tune with vanilla stuff
4. I mean the images in the description
5/9. I mean please don't release features that don''t have uses right now, why can't you release it when it has your uses implemented? That would make your mod look more "complete"
1. About the arrow rains taff, I just asked it to summon 60 arrows 30 blocks above you when right-click. About the Silver Sword, it's same but inflicting instant health to some undeads around you.
3. You're right, i'll try to make it with small icons like with hunger
4. Bruh yeah... i'll try to fix this
5/9. The bug is that these metals already have small uses right now that are vital for progressing, but apart from this single use they're useless. Y'see, Copper and Zinc are useful to craft the Electro Refinery, Silver to make the Arrow Rain Staff, and ok, brass is useles yet but I preferred to make it right now or else I might forget (I'm that kind of person)
Ohh, don't worry that there'll be more. This is just a remake of an old mod, so there'll be a lot of ores! About fantasy ores, I thought about it. At first I wanted to make this mod realistic but eh, I don't think using Opals for an invisibility amulet is very realistic... so yeah, I'll be working on fantasy ores in some times ^^
Wow, that is nice!