Mineral Galore : Multi-Mineral Layering

Published by UnderWaves on
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This mod won't receive any further updates, I'm quitting MCreator.
It's too restrictive and coding the mods by hand instead of simplified interfaces is way more fun and interesting.
I'm working on a fully hand-coded remake of this mod, I'll post a CurseForge link as soon as the first versions will be ready.
Have a Discord link to the project's server.

Spinel 1.2 out! After a long test period, Mineral Galore is now more stable than ever and should work perfectly now.

A lot of things have been balanced, from dungeon spawn rates to success rates in the Refinery. Some things may seem still OP, but hey, I hate when it's easy. I won't be sadistic by making Iron spawn less frequently than Diamonds, but I won't make it spawn like coal either.

I also created a Wikia dedicated to the mod! It's yet very incomplete, but I invite you to help me complete it. Find it here! ^^

Welcome to Mineral Galore! This huge mod adds a bunch of various stuff, but is mainly focused on mining. You'll find tons of ore-related stuff, from new Ores to a wide variety of special Pickaxes, and even Mobs made out of gemstones!

Just a little recommendation: USE JEI. The mod contains a truckload of complex recipes, use JEI or else you'll never progress. Even the sword recipe is different for some materials, so use JEI.

I got this idea while I was playing Minecraft (GalactiCraft to be more precise, but who cares). While searching for some Silicon, I found diamonds at the bottom of a lava-flooded ravine. These diamonds looked almost green because of the contrast with the orangeness of the lava, and I thought ''hey, this looks like Aquamarine''. Then I remembered that I had MCreator. My first intention was to create only a small mod adding just Aquamarine ore, gem and tools. Then I told myself ''just another gem'' and added Topaz. Then I noticed that Coal was sometimes very scarce, so I decided to add a fuel: Sulfur… and so on. Mineral Galore is the result of six months of work starting from a stupid diamond surrounded with lava. My original idea of Aquamarine extended to 45 ORES! 52 NEW METALS, GEMS AND MINERALS! 46 PICKS, AXES, SHOVELS AND VANILLA SWORDS! 5 SPECIAL WEAPONS AND 36 OP SWORDS! 1 BRAND NEW DIMENSION! 20 MOBS! 864 MOD ELEMENTS IN SPINEL 1.2!!!!!

Let's talk about the contents.


  • Refinery: this one allows you to refine gems for a lot of various stuff, from sand to unique items! I wanted it to stick to real-life composition of the gems, and sometimes the refining process needed to get some materials. Random examples: put a diamond (Real-life: Carbon ~100%) and get coal (Carbon ~100%). Put Aquamarine (Beryl variant, Al2Be3[Si6O18]) and get Sand (SiO2), Aluminum (Al) and with some refining, Beryllium (Be). Works with its own GUI!

  • Distillator: not much uses, but the only ones are really cool. Get Titanium from Rutile (allows to create super-resistant tools), craft Arsine Gas from Arsenic (USED TO CRAFT AN ARSENIC BLASTER!!!), or use it to refine the dirty mud you got from Copper refining! It is necessary if you want to quickly get some rare materials, like Titanium or Iridium. Also works with a GUI.


  • Superswords: these colossal Swords are very costly. You need to craft first a Blade (total cost: 23 gems + 2 sticks) and a Hilt (total cost: 12 gems, 1 stick, 2 leather). Then you combine them (every possible combination works, rofl), and you get a random OP weapon with multiple powers! Example: Amethel can regenerate you on hit, and Oceanic deals 25 DAMAGE per hit!! (to compensate, this one has only 16 uses, and gives a lot of debuffs.)

  • Staves: come in two variants, Lunar and Galaxy. For each one, you have to gather some rare and precious gems, then combine it, and you get a mythical staff that makes meteor rain on enemies! Crafting the Lunar Staff is a little hard as you need 7 Moonstones (found in the End, can be mined with Opal pickaxe), makes a single meteor fall, and has a decent durability. The Galaxy staff is harder to get as you need a lot of random rare gems from every Vanilla dimension, but makes up to 16 meteors fall each time! Just don't forget to run, as you might get crushed by your own meteors too.

  • Arsenic Blaster: ah, finally the interesting stuff. Craft that thing with a lot of Steel and Arsine gas (you can get it by distilling Arsenic, itself obtained by refining the rare Realgar). It has a very slow reload time, has 500 uses, and when a bullet hits its target, the enemy is poisoned no matter of its species: Arsenic can kill the undead too. But if the bullet misses and hits the ground, the gas pressure makes it EXPLODE!! Extremely useful and versatile, can wipe out a crowd of Silverfishes or destroy Cerulicron (see below) with the same ease.

  • Flamethrower: a normal flamethrower. Doesn't explode, doesn't launch meteors, doesn't do anything supernatural. It just launches a burst of flames at your opponents, allowing massive crowd damage but it's not really useful against single targets. 


  • Roca Maggot: spawning both in Overworld and in Layer-1. Overworld variant is weak, squishy, but never spawns alone. Layer-1 variant is stronger, hits harder, and still not spawns alone. Recommended equipment: at least an Iron Chestplate and an Iron Sword; Shield if you want more security. Drops include: Cobblestone (Overworld variant) / Layer-1 Stone (Layer-1 variant) (8-16), Sulfur (50% chance), Spinel (33% chance, randomly chooses between Blue and Black), and Topaz (4% chance).

  • Miner: sometimes spawns in caves, and also populates Layer-1. Holds a Steel Pickaxe and a Miner Helmet. It's just like you (I just gave it the classic Steve texture yet), but has 30 health instead of its regular 20, and hits hard as it has a pickaxe. It has 8.5% chance to drop either the helmet or the pickaxe, just like any regular armored mob. Some times ago, I worked on a stronger version that I finally abandoned, but you can still find it in the spawn egg list (ear rape incoming, the sounds are a little loud).

  • Roca Pyra: the evolved version of the Roca Maggot, that spawns frequently in Layer-1. Careful with it, it's dangerous: hard-coated, tanky, 50HP, some damage resistance, doesn't fear arrows, drowning, potions or falling, a little slow, and can crush you with three blows. Drops include: Layer-1 Stone (100% chance, 0-32), and Pyrite (100% chance, 0-16).

  • Clathrate: a peculiar flying mob, that lives in the rare Layer-1 Clathrate Dungeons, spawning underground. They are flying, can't burn, can't drown, resists to thunderbolts (but who cares, thunder doesn't spawn underground), has 32HP, NES sounds, isn't really strong, but always spawns in large crowds. Arsenic Blaster recommended. Drops include: Layer-1 Stone (50% chance, 0-16), Phosphorite (25% chance), Proustite (10% chance, 2-4), and a rare, special and extremely important item if ever you wish to return to the Overworld (5% chance).

  • Gem Traders: a NPC that randomly spawns in Layer-1. Can trade some gems, but doesn't have a lot of trades yet.

  • Roca Cerula: whoa, stop right there. Evolved version of the Roca Pyra, and certainly the hardest non-boss enemy yet in Mineral Galore. Strong, tanky, violent. Spawns when darkness falls on Layer-1, approximately everywhere, but not so frequently (~5% mobs are Cerulas). It has 65HP (bring a Supersword, this is not a question), it can't drown, can't burn, can receive a million thunderbolts without a single scratch, doesn't fear cacti (who cares, the Layer-1 desert isn't implemented yet), and don't forget your shield as it drains 12HP in a single blow. Drops include: Sapphire (50% chance, 0-8), Spinels (50% chance, 0-8, randomly chosen between Blue and Black), Layer-1 Stone (0-16), and Gneiss (0-16).

  • Purpamite: this little Silverfish-like critter sometimes spawns when you break Amethyst Ores. Not so tough, but small and fast. Drops include: Amethyst (50% chance).


  • Adamacron: when spawned, it summons a groups of little minions that chase you at high speed! The boss itself has 100HP, but can randomly regain 4HP when you hit it (bring a sword. Seriously.), and will sometimes spawn a minion. BUT BE CAREFUL: EACH OF ITS BLOWS DEAL 15 DAMAGE. The only way to damage him is by explosions and direct melee attacks. Drops include: Zircons (8-16), Diamonds (16-32, 25% chance to drop instead of Zircons), and always the Hydrocron Callstone.

    • Lesser Adamacron: small, weak, fast, never fights alone. Has 20 hitpoints, 2 attack damage, and won't drop anything.

  • Hydrocron: bigger, harder, but weaker. It has 150 hitpoints, will deal 7 damage per hit, but can randomly create water when it walks, making the battlefield a swimming pool that can be a real disadvantage with the water flow. It is advised to bring sponges/buckets/a lot of blocks. When killed, it drops 4-32 Aquamarines, along with 60 XP and the Cerulicron Callstone.

  • Cerulicron: this pile of Sapphires is a real tank. It has 150 hitpoints, can only be damaged by ranged stuff (Celestial Staves work too, but you won't be able to use them since it's an underground fight), can summon a bunch of kamikaze minions and will pummel you until you die! But it's immobile (he'll still take knockback from bows, so try using a Punch bow to knock it where it'll not be able to target you). When killed, it drops between 8 and 16 Sapphires, along with 75 XP and the Chronocron Callstone.

    • Lesser Cerulicron: this crawling Sapphire is very fragile (it has 1HP). It can only be damaged by a fall, an explosion or a player attack, and when it dies, it EXPLODES!! Blast Protection required, also with some strategy: don't directly hit them, as killing them by hand involves you getting very close. Try thinking about different ways. And since they're often in clusters, dying in the explosion while another one is near will destroy it too, and your stuff too will explode.

  • Chronocron: as his name implies, he's able to manipulate the flow of time for himself. He can randomly enter in an outburst of speed, and has six phases too, corresponding to how much health he has. In the first stage, he's normal. In the second stage, he gains approximately 20% speed, and in the third stage, he gains an additional 20%, making him running at 140% of his normal speed. When reaching the fourth phase, he returns to his normal speed, but now has a Strength buff, that gains another level at each further. At final stage, he has 8 more attack damage, 40% more speed, and will resist 40% of your damage! He can only be damaged by direct attacks, and has 180 health. When killed, he drops 2-8 Topazes, 100 XP and the Geminocron Callstone.

  • Geminocron: these two Corundum brothers are ready to thrash you at any time! They both have 125 hitpoints, but are very different in their attack: the pink one is quick but has 5 attack damage, while the yellow is slow but can drain your health bar in two hits. Apart from that, they don't really have special features, but I'm working on some better strategy. Each one will drop 4-16 Corundums of the corresponding color, along with 75 XP and a Galore Key piece. Once the two parts are crafted together, you'll be able to open the mysterious blue wall...

  • Armaggecron: the real Boss of the Galore Arena! It has only 200 hitpoints, but you'll hardly be able to land blows on it because it continuously spawns a flow of various minions. The worst part is that amongst the eight Lesser Adamacrons he summons when spawning the first time and the ones it randomly spawns later on, it can also summon some of the five Bosses you fought earlier! These won't drop anything (you really thought you'll be able farm Topazes?!), and it can even randomly create small explosions around it!! When killed, it drops 500 XP, up to 16 Diamonds, 16 Aquamarines, 8 Sapphires, 8 Topazes, 16 random Corundums, and will always drop a mysterious block…


  • Kromacron: first, search for a dark biome in Layer-1. If you see thunder, then you're done. Search for a giant bricks tower, go at the top (good luck to reach the top, it's very hard), and use the Kromacron Callstone at the top! This colorful crystal being shouldn't be approached without good equipment. It has 350 hitpoints (more than Armaggecron), its melee attacks won't really deal much damage, but be cautious as its main feature is the ability to make thunder rain on its opponents!! It will continuously summon thunder in a large field around him, and avoiding these attacks are hard since it's fought at a 15 block-wide arena at the top of a 80 meters high tower. It can spawn single bolts, sometimes a group, and can even summon a ring of thunder around him! Also consider that thunder will heal it. Recommended some Fire Protection or water, as thunder spawns fire. Drops 8-16 Opals, and a Deactivated Callstone for the next boss battle.

    • Lesser Kromacron: a small colorful ball that spawns in the large tower you have to climb to reach Kromacron. Can also be spawned by Kromacron, but not so frequently.

  • Pyracrons: Once you activated the Callstone Kromacron gave you, go underground and search for a big room made out of bricks, with lava and glowstone. Use the Callstone on the Altar, and BOOM!!! Get back, as a ring of explosions will welcome you. The Pyracrons are two flying cubic beings, one made out of classical Pyrite, the other from Arsenopyrite (remember this one? :D). The golden one can be only defeated by melee attacks, and the gray one only by projectiles. Both of them have a panel of explosive attacks consisting in randomly exploding around them. Don't forget they're immune to explosions! They can also randomly regain some HP. Blast Protection required. Don't forget that if you die, your stuff may be exploded by an attack, so be ready. They each drop 8-16 of their corresponding Pyrite, along with a piece of the Carmicron Callstone.

  • Carmicron: craft the two Callstone Parts you found by killing the Pyracrons along with a Galore Energy, and get the Carmicron Callstone. Discover a large Red Nether Bricks platform in the Nether, use the Callstone on the middle block, and hello Carmicron! This pyromaniac behemoth leaves a trail of fire when it walks, and can randomly summon small Magma Cubes, Blazes and Purpamites. If you manage to kill it, it’ll give you 8-16 Rubies, and the Callstone for the next boss, along with a mysterious object.

  • Chronocron-Violet: not much to say about this one. Exactly like Chronocron, but has double health, and gets stronger buffs when reaching certain HP amounts. Drops 1-8 Violet Topazes along with a mysterious object. Will be removed in the next update, to make way for another better boss.

ORES (with implement version):

  • Aquamarine (1.0): the original gem can be found below Y=48, slightly rarer than Iron. You can use it to craft tools (the vanilla way) two times stronger than Iron!

  • Topaz (1.0): this orange gem can be found below Y=30, and is approximately as rare as Diamonds. It can be used to craft tools slightly better than Diamonds, but more fragile. Since Spinel 1.2, it has a Layer-1 variant that allows making a better sword.

  • Sulfur (1.1): can be found at any altitude, under the form of yellow veins. Mining it will inflict you a short Nausea, because the real-life Sulfur smells terrible! It's rarer than coal and allows to smelt 12 items per Sulfur unit. Its block form can smelt a total of 120 items!!! (ERRATUM: in Spinel 1.0, these values have been lowered to respectively 3 and 30.) Since Spinel 1.2, can also spawn in Layer-1.

  • Smoky Quartz (1.1): this rare mineral can be found sometimes at any altitude in the Nether, in small veins. Use it to craft a dark-tinted deco block, or a powerful armor that grants several potion buffs (along with a sticky Blindness effect). Since Spinel 1.0, can also spawn in Layer-1, more frequently than in Nether.

  • Sapphire (1.2): since Spinel 1.0, Sapphire will only spawn in Layer-1, everywhere and at almost any depth, but quite rarely. The gems can be used to craft tools that are more durable than Diamonds! 2.0.1 brought a new Supersword Part that you can build with Sapphire.

  • Agate (1.2): this very pretty crystal can be found between Y=32 and Y=64. Its only purpose is decoration, and can be crafted into a translucent colored block that can be used as luxury glass. Before 1.3, there was only Pink agate, but since, there is four colors: Pink, Blue, Brown and Green! Also 4.0 added Red Agates.

  • Pyrite (1.2): every geology amateur knows pyrite is iron and sulfur. Then this ore, that you can find below Y=64, will drop a Pyrite Crystal that you can refine at the Refinery to obtain randomly Iron and Sulfur! Or since 2.3, you can craft a pickaxe from it ; this tool can destroy stone faster than gold, but can't mine anything else.

  • Zircon (1.3) : oooh, a Diamond!!! That's strange, we're only at Y=32... uhh nope, it was just a Zircon. Use it to craft tools that have the same efficiency as Stone tools, but ten times more durable! Since Spinel 1.2, can also spawn in Layer-1.

  • Cuprite (2.0): you'll have to venture into the extreme depths to discover this one. Hidden below Y=16, slightly resembling the Redstone, you can refine it with your Refinery to obtain Copper Ingots... then make Copper Nuggets the same way you'd create Gold Nuggets, and mix them with Zinc to obtain Brass! Since Topaz 1.1, you have to refine it in the Refinery instead of smelting it. But now you have 2% chance to get some mineral putty, that you can use in your Distillator to get something special. Don't forget to bring a Chlorine Pellet and a Bottle.

  • Steel (2.0): just smelted your Iron? Then put it again in your Furnace! The carbon emitted by the fuel combustion will be absorbed by the melting metal, that will turn into Steel. This new alloy can be used to craft tools that have the same efficiency as Iron, but 50% more durable! A good alternative to Aquamarine, while you're searching for the cyan gems. Since 3.1, Steel tools quickly corrode when exposed to rain.

  • Phosphorus (2.0): highly flammable!!! Discover Phosphorite Ore in the depths, refine the Phosphorite in the Ore Dissocier and obtain raw pure Phosphorus, that can be used as fuel, as replacement for coal and gunpowder in the Fire Charge recipe, or to craft Matches, along with Sulfur! Then place eight matches around a Paper to obtain a Matchbox, that has the same usage as the Flint and Steel but four times more durable!! Since Spinel 1.2, can also spawn in Layer-1.

  • Aragonite (2.0): this sublime orange crystal can be used to craft swords, and a Supersword Blade!!! Since 3.0, you can use it to purify Contaminated Water at a Water Purifier nah, removed. That was useless. Now you can just use it for a sword. Working on another use.

  • Spinel (2.0.1): can only be found in Extreme Hills biomes, coming in two variants: Blue and Black. Each one can be used to craft a Blade Part, and the two Blade Parts can be then combined to create a brand new Supersword Blade! Also allows to create an armor set since 2.1.

  • Amethyst (2.1): this purple ore can be found in the Nether, at any altitude and is a little less common than regular Quartz. It can be used to craft a new decorative transparent block that you can use as glass.

  • Realgar (3.0): mine this ore approximately everywhere underground, refine the Realgar Crystals at the Ore Dissocier and obtain Arsenic! From now on, be careful: Arsenic randomly poisons you when you have it in inventory. Now take some Glass Bottles, use your Gas Distiller to obtain pure Arsine Gas, and surround an Iron Block with eight Arsine Bottles to obtain an Arsine Canister, that you can attach below your Arsenic Blaster!!

  • Zinc (3.1): mine Sphalerite below Y=32 and refine it at the Ore Dissocier to obtain Zinc Ingots. Turn the ingots into nuggets and use them to coat your new Steel Pickaxe, effectively protecting them from rain corrosion! Or coat a single Zinc Nugget with Copper Nuggets to craft a Brass Ingot. Since Spinel 1.2, can also spawn in Layer-1.

  • Brass (3.1): this alloy can be obtained by crafting Zinc and Copper Nuggets together. Use it to craft Electrical Wires, Arsine Cannon Shells (along with some Arsenic and Gunpowder) or a new set of patterned decorative blocks!

  • Zirconium (3.1): extract this bright metal from Zircons at the Ore Dissocier. It allows to craft a dangerous sword (that will need rebalancing, because that single sword is stronger than a Supersword yet)! NYI: will also allow to create tools that will be two times more durable as raw Zircon Tools, and with the efficiency of Iron!

  • Titanium (3.2): mine Rutile under Y=32, and be ready for anything. Filter a Water Bucket at the Distillator to obtain some Salt, place it in the Refinery to separate the chlorine, and use the Chlorine pellets along with Rutile at the Distillator to create a vial of Titanium Tetrachloride. Then refine again this liquid to finally obtain some Titanium... oh, and this is the REAL industrial process of Titanium extraction. Can be used to craft tools that have efficiency of Iron, but with 130% of the diamond's durability!

  • Flint (3.3): the good ol' Flint you spent hours digging Gravel to find some. Can be found in the surface dirt under the form of black deposits, but quite rarely, and can only be mined with Iron or higher. Can also be found as big veins lying in Layer-1 Stone.

  • Opal (3.3): this magic gem can be rarely found in the Nether. Craft a Pickaxe, a Supersword Part of a Bayleaf Amulet, a mystic object said to greatly empower anyone who holds it in hand...

  • Bauxite (3.3): found anywhere below Y=32, this ore can be refined into a bunch of stuff, but the most important thing it gives is Aluminium. Use it to craft a super-resistant Sword, or some cans to compactly store your food.

  • Moonstone (4.0): you can find this rare gem in the End... only a Topaz or Jasper pickaxe can mine it. Collect some Moonstones to craft a Lunar Stone, that you can place at the top of two Amethysts Crystals to create a Lunar Staff!

  • Ruby (4.0): slightly more frequent than Diamonds, has the same harvest level, same durability but is a little slower. Can be crafted into a pickaxe, a sword and another secret...

  • Malachite (4.0): can sometimes be found hidden in an Azurite deposit, as the result of the slow oxidation process. Sulfur 1.0 brought some tools to craft with it.

  • Azurite (Sulfur 1.0): can be found at the same depths as Cuprite, at same rarity. Can be used to craft a Supersword Blade and a powerful Sword, but even if it looks pretty, don't use its block form to decorate your home! Like in real-life, a large chunk of Azurite exposed to the air slowly oxides into Malachite. To make it faster, just throw your Azurite gems into a pool of water and poof.

  • Onyx (Sulfur 1.0): can be found below Y=32, as the "darker" counterpart to Agate (since it's globally the same stone but in black and white instead of colored). You can use it to craft a powerful pickaxe that breaks stone like nothing else, but without dropping anything. And it can't break other stuff, much like the Pyrite Pickaxe.

  • Heliotrope (Sulfur 1.0): can be VERY RARELY found in the End, as the Moonstone's opposite. Can be only mined with a Topaz Pickaxe, and can be crafted in a Heliotrope Amulet that can be equipped in the chestplate slot to grant Invisibility to its bearer!

  • Corundum (Sulfur 1.1): I'm so sadistic, that I made this ore only spawn in Extreme Hills, among the Spinels and Emeralds, only below Y=48, and at low frequencies. Can be mined with an Iron pickaxe, and when you mine it, you can randomly gain up to three Corundum Gems, randomly chosen between the Yellow and Pink variant! Each one allows to craft a half of the Armor set, and you'll have to combine the two variants to craft the tools.

  • Citrine (Topaz 1.0): you need to travel in the new Dimension to find this one! Can be used to craft an iron-like sword, Supersword Blade and Hilt, and that's globally everything. Working on more uses!

  • Proustite (Topaz 1.1): go in the Layer-1, mine until Y=32, and search for some red deposits. Get some Proustite, refine it in your Refinery, and get Silver! Can be used to craft a Supersword Hilt, some tools, but will have more uses later.

  • Iridium (Topaz 1.1): you have two ways to get this rare metal. First, refine a lot of Cuprite, get some mineral mud, use this mud along with a Chlorine Pellet in your Distillator, and you'll get some Iridium Hexachloride. Next step, placing the chlorides in your Refinery, and ta-dam, Pulverized Iridium! Final step, smelting the powder, and get Iridium Nuggets, that you can combine to craft ingots. The other way is way easier: just go in the Layer-1 and mine Iridium Ore, that spawns with same rarity than Diamonds. You'll get 3-8 Iridium Powder, unless you have Silk Touch. In that case, you'll be able to smelt the whole block for 1 ingot.

  • Galena (Spinel 1.0): can be found sometimes in Layer-1, with approximately same rarity than Iron in Overworld. No uses yet, only being refined into Lead, that can be used to craft your return Portal to the Overworld. Working on more uses.

  • Arsenopyrite (Spinel 1.0): this Pyrite-like mineral has one more feature: IT CONTAINS ARSENIC. A good alternative to Realgar, even if Proustite is way more common. Can spawn everywhere in Layer-1, in small veins.

  • Gneiss (Spinel 1.0): not a real ore. Just a rock like Andesite and that kind of useless stuff. Lies in your way Spawns in Layer-1, and can be polished in decoration blocks.

  • Jasper (Spinel 1.0): it's a rare ore spawning in Roca biomes! When you mine it, you get Jasper. Whoa, that's surprising. And with the Jasper, you can craft a pickaxe that is stronger and more efficient than Diamonds, and that has a special ability: it has a random chance (but very low, kinda 0.5% chance) to drop a random gem selected in a large pool!

  • Lonsdaleite (Spinel 1.1): it's a very rare ore spawning deep below your feet, in Layer-1. You probably know this stone in the real life for being harder than Diamonds? Then that's it. The Lonsdaleite Pickaxe is thrice as hard as Diamond one, and can mine practically anything. But you need to have an Opal pickaxe to harvest it, MUHAHAHA.

  • Nitre (Spinel 1.1) : this not-so-common ore can be found everywhere in Layer-1. Its only use is to be crafted with some Gunpowder, Sulfur and Steel in a powerful thrown weapon, the Grenade. I won't explain what this does, you probably know.

  • Magnetite (Spinel 1.1) : this ore spawns in Roca biomes, approximately two times less frequent than Iron. Yet can only be used as a catalyzer in the Refinery, to get two Iron Ingots per Pyrite instead of one. Or just refine it to obtain 1 Iron ingot.

  • Gabbro (Spinel 1.2): want more useless stones? This is Gneiss' friend. Same frequency, same hardness, and same annoyingness same uses. But a whole biome in layer-1 has trees made out of Gneiss, and Gabbro doesn't. Poor Gabbro.

Minecraft mod files
Mineral Galore - T1.1.jar - Mineral Galore! T1.1 - Shimmering Spark Uploaded on: 10/29/2019 - 13:54   File size: 3.83 MB
Mineral Galore - Spinel 1.0.jar - Mineral Galore! Spinel 1.0 - Rocatec Uploaded on: 11/22/2019 - 06:46   File size: 7.84 MB
Mineral Galore - Spinel 1.1.1.jar - Mineral Galore! Spinel 1.1.1 - Thunderblast Uploaded on: 12/02/2019 - 10:49   File size: 8.21 MB
Mineral Galore - Spinel 1.2.jar - Mineral Galore! Spinel 1.2 - The Cinnabar Chunk Uploaded on: 12/10/2019 - 19:31   File size: 15.55 MB
  • 1.0 - The First Steps : Added aquamarine and topaz gems, ores, blocks and tools.
  • 1.1 - Smells Awful : Added sulfur and smoky quartz.
  • 1.2 - Underground Lottery : Added sapphire, agate and pyrite. Changed sulfur ore texture, and added a crafting recipe for the Smoky Quartz Armor.
  • 1.3 - A Color World Beneath Your Feet : Added the first Supersword, three new Agate colors and Zircon, whose ore looks like diamonds. Fixed Pink Agate dropping ore blocks instead of Agate Chunks, corrected Agate and Smoky Quartz transparency, and changed some ore spawn frequencies (notably Aquamarine being more frequent than Iron).

  • 2.0 - Dissociation : Added a second Supersword, the Ore Dissocier, and the ores Cuprite, Aragonite and Phosphorite. Added Steel, Copper Wires, Matchbox, and Refinery Waste. Corrected the Green Agate item texture, and made some rebalancings in the ore spawn frequencies (notably Sulfur being more frequent than Coal). And um, changed the internal ID of the mod so you'll not be able to transfer any older world to 2.0.
    • 2.0.1 - Symbiosis : Added Spinel, coming in Blue and Black variants, and a new Supersword.
  • 2.1 - Toxic Ground : Added Amethyst and Contaminated Water. Added Spinel Armor and a new Supersword. Fixed Match and Matchbox bugs.
  • 2.2 - Power Blades : Added eight new Superswords and two new Superswords Parts. Added a reserved creative tab for Superswords, and changed the spawn settings for Spinel, now making it spawn only in Extreme Hills biomes. But warning, as the algorithm is a little bugged and will also destroy every Spinel Ore manually placed outside from Extreme Hills.
  • 2.3 - Dissociation Recrafted : Corrected the entire Ore Dissocier system, it now works perfectly. Added Pyrite Block, Pyrite Gem, and Pyrite Pickaxe. Modified Aragonite Ore texture.

  • 3.0 - Noxious Aura : Added Realgar Ore, Water Purifier, Gas Distiller and Arsine Cannon. Corrected some spawn frequencies and rebalanced some Superswords.
  • 3.1 - Oxidation : Steel tools will now corrode while exposed to the rain. Added Zinc ore, Brass alloy, Zirconium and Zirconium Sword.
  • 3.2 - TItanium : Added Flint Deposits, Rutile Ore, Titanium, and all the stuff used to refine Titanium. Added Titanium Tools. Introduced an early-created advancement system, and made various rebalancings. Changed spawn conditions for Aquamarine, now spawning only in some biomes.
  • 3.3 - Superstitions : Added Flint Ore, Opal and Bauxite. Added Bayleaf Amulet and Aluminium cans, along with two new food items : Fruit Salad and MRE. Fixed Aquamarine textures, upgraded advancement system.

  • 4.0 - Hour of Need : Added Moonstone, Red Agate, Ruby and Malachite. Added Lunar Staff and Galaxy Staff. Added a new Brass decoration block and two new advancements. Changed Sulfur textures, changed Arsine Cannon name to Arsenic Blaster, Block of Brass to Storage Brass Block, and made some ore spawning rebalancings.

  • Sulfur 1.0 - The Great Expansion : Added Azurite, Onyx and Heliotrope. Added Rock Crawler and Miner mobs. Added Heliotrope Amulet, Miner's Helmet, an Azurite Supersword Piece and thus the corresponding Superswords. Changed Topaz gem, ore and block textures. Added a crafting recipe for the Solar Gem. Added the Miner Shelter structure.
  • Sulfur 1.1 - The World Looks Different : Added Corundum Ore, two Corundum variants and their respective blocks. Added Silicon, Electronic Wafers Tier 1 and Tier 2. Added Ore Identifier and utility block Gem Synthetizer. Changed a lot of textures, and made some rebalancings in the Refinery.

  • Topaz 1.0 - Armaggedon : Added Citrine Ore. Added the Galore Arenas, and Adamacron, Hydrocron, Cerulicron, Chronocron, Geminocrons, Armaggecron, Lesser Adamacron and Lesser Cerulicron mobs. Added the Galore Layer-1 Dimension, added in and out portals. 
  • Topaz 1.1 - Shimmering Spark : Added Proustite and Iridium Ores. Added Citrine Supersword Blade and Hilt, along with every new combination. Corrected a lot of bugs about travelling between the Overworld and the Layer-1. Changed Cuprite refining process. Added animations for mobs, and slightly lowered Zircon Ore spawn rates.

  • Spinel 1.0 - Rocatec : Added Galena, Arsenopyrite, Gneiss and Jasper Ores. Added three new biomes for Layer-1. Added Gem Trader, Clathrate, Clathrates Dungeons, Roca Cerula, renamed Rock Crawler to Roca Maggot and Rock Walker to Roca Pyra. Removed Gem Synthetizer and Water Purifier. Added ambient music for Layer-1. Added a new tree schematic for Layer-1. Added Flamethrower and 6 new Superswords. Added crafting recipes for Superswords involving Citrines and also for the Overworld Portal. Changed models for portals between Overworld and Layer-1. Made some balancings to Roca Maggots. Fixed Roca Pyras spawning in Overworld. Aquamarine can now spawn everywhere again. Emerald and Smoky Quartz can now spawn in Layer-1. Sapphire Ore relocated to Layer-1. Made a rebalancing on Sulfur burning time as fuel. Fixed Opal, Amethyst and Smoky Quartz not spawning. Allowed respawn and sleeping in Layer-1. Lowered Proustite spawn rates, and changed a bunch of textures.

  • Spinel 1.1 - Thunderblast : Added Lonsdaleite, Nitre and Magnetite Ores. Added thunder Plains biome to Layer-1. Added Thunder Towers, spawning in Thunder Plains. Added Grenades. Added Kromacron, Pyracrons and the corresponding Callstones. Added Minera Forest biome to Layer-1. Made some rebalancings to Stone Forest biome, now renamed Roca Forest. Added a dedicated creative tab for Galoracron Callstones. Darkened Layer-1 sky. Lowered Armaggecron Minions spawn rates. Corrected Titanium Block having dirt sounds, and some other bugs.

    • Spinel 1.1.1 : corrected a major bug lagging out the game by destroying random blocks in the Nether.

  • Spinel 1.2 - The Cinnabar Chunk : Added Gabbro and Violet Topaz. Added Roca Berries, Roca Bery Bush. Added crafting recipes for Carmicron Callstone and Citrine blocks. Added Purpamite mob and Chronocron-Violet Boss. made a lot of rebalancings on Roca mobs, notably drops and health. Changed a lot of entries to OreDictionary. Added Big Cinnabar Chunk and Tier 2 Galore Energy, both being useless yet. Added Ruby Shrine structure, and changed some settings about Clathrate Dungeons and Galore Arenas. Lowered Sulfur, Cuprite and Zircon ore spawn rates, while increased Galena, Corundum, Opal, Amethyst and Smoky Quartz. Sphalerite, Sulfur, Phosphorite and Zircon Ores now have Layer-1 variants. Removed a technical block from creative inventory, cleaned the mod from deprecated stuff, rebalanced Layer-1 Superswords, and made a bunch of changes in the Refinery.

     Mod development terminated

     Reason: switching to real programming


Could you possibly add your mod onto mediafire? this looks so cool and i cant play it. i also have a couple ores that i have thought through a bunch, and i would really like them in game, but i dont know how to code. I can give you the ideas if you want. I have them in a doc.

Mod is discontinued, I'm working on a hand-coded version. Any ideas you will find here are deprecated and most of them will probably be heavily modified in the 1.16 version.
About your ideas, any suggestions are accepted, contact me at jsebtc@gmail.com

How did you make it so you need one of your specific mod pickaxes to mine one of your specific ores?

The mod already exceeds the file image. Maybe you can put future updates on curseforge or mediafire and you can make a dummy .zip file when you open it there is a link.txt to the curseforge page.

Dude! Can I use this mod for a modpack?
I'll give credit!
But I might change some recipes using crafttweaker for better compat

Unfortunately, your mod has a setting which lets it can only be used in forge 2748, which makes it not compatible with other mods. May I suggest you go to workspace settings and disable specific forge version check, and then release a patch update?
BTW, about the recipe, it's for the modpack specifically, which makes others have to complete other mod's progression in order to do yours. So no spoilers sry