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Hyperthesis is a Vanilla+ style mod, adding a few features that don't seem too far-fetched. Except vein mining.
Bat Meat: Whether cooked or raw, the nutrition value matches rabbit, with only slightly different textures from rabbit.
While holding down "/" (can be anything you want), mining logs or ores will result in all of that type nearby being mined.
Creepers have received a huge overhaul, and they are much more dangerous. Creepers now explode whenever they take damage, unless it immediately kills them. Whenever a creeper explodes, it has a 1 in 5 chance of each of these things happening. Yes, it could be none, all, or any amount of of these.
Blazing Explosion: Entities within 15 blocks are set on fire, and summons a lingering cloud of the Burning effect.
Teleporting Explosion: The explosion teleports to the nearest entity.
Cursing Explosion: Lingering cloud, 1 in 3 chance for each of these effects: Poison, Weakness, Instant Damage, and Slowness.
Ravaging Explosion: Deals extra damage to the durability of your armor.
Burning: Effect, catches the entity on fire for the duration. Automatically applied when hit with fire aspect.
Stability: Has a potion. Effect, makes the entity resistant to knockback. It comes at a price though, as even the mighty Iron Golems can be knocked back after the effect expires!
Stability: Awkward Potion brewed with a shield, can be lengthened with redstone or strengthened with glowstone.
Luck: Brew a Luck Potion with Prismarine Crystals and Awkward Potion.
Cooked Bat: Can be cooked in furnace, smoker, or campfire.
Parting Words:
Might update more if people really enjoy. Any bugs, suggestions, criticism or congratulations can be a comment :) You can use in a modpack without crediting, just inform me that you are doing so.
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