Bgfrog's Pots And Plants Mod

Published by BGfrog on
Upvotes: 3
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This mod has 3 blocks: "Big Flower Pot" "Big Nether Flower Pot" "Bush"

There is 2 structures: "Small Bush" "Tall Bush"

There are 4 plants: "Bush Sapling" "Bush Stem" "Ender Rose" "Short Grass"

There is levitation potions, that is brewed using: "Ender Petal"



(Made by BGfrog)

(The bush slows you down in survival, but not in creative.)

Modification files
BGfrog's Pots And Plants - I don't know how to get a .jar file. Uploaded on: 01/16/2022 - 21:20   File size: 64.5 KB

Please tell me how to get a .jar file for this, then I could release a working mod.