Corrupted Blox

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Update: v1.1.0 has come out as a beta! Play now!

Warning: play with good computers or else your computer will become a potato.

Items that are highlighted like this are available in beta versions.

Corrupted Blox

This mod adds corruption blocks, that spread over solids.

First, you wanna find that black biome. It's easy, just search for darkness!
Then, watch out to don't step (or if you do, you get the advancement) on the corrupted blocks. They spread fast and can corrupt your house if they just touch it.

You'll find some green flowers over there generating, that just go up even if there's sunlight. Why?

Then you wanna dig the rotten corrupted blocks (those brown ones that generate replacing the black) in order to get fragments to make a decorruptionizator.
That monstrosity will make your path thru the brown more fun. Just right-click a rotten corrupted block and have fun!

In the Nether's depths, there's a red block waiting to be loaded (by non-spectator players) to spread. Find it in the big chambers and have nightmares!

On the floating islands in the end, you'll find some of them yellow, some purple with a blue thing on them and some rotten with blue blocks floating. That's because of the purpur variant of the virus.

When you get to a structure in the black biome and you have enough flowers and wool, craft that holy thing and light the frame there!
You'll find yourself in the best biome, but also the worst. What does that mean? Well, find out by downloading this mod right away!


The command is /corrupted_blox.

  • /corrupted_blox speed get - Get the corruption speed. If /corrupted_blox speed set <value> hasn't been called, it should output 2.5.
  • /corrupted_blox speed set <value> - Set the corruption speed. <value> is the speed, type float, min 0 and max 100.
  • /corrupted_blox decay_speed get - Get the decay speed. If /corrupted_blox decay_speed set <value> hasn't been called, it should output 10.
  • /corrupted_blox decay_speed set <value> - Set the decay speed. <value> is the speed, type float, min 0 and max 100.
  • /corrupted_blox plant_speed get - Get the plant growth speed. If /corrupted_blox decay_speed set <value> hasn't been called, it should output 5.
  • /corrupted_blox plant_speed set <value> - Set the plant growth speed. <value> is the speed, type float, min 0 and max 100.
  • /corrupted_blox credits - Show credits in chat.


Corruption Fragment BlockCorruption FragmentDecorruptionizatorA Holy ThingCorrupted Extractor


Music: forgottenland by airtone (c) copyright 2020 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license.


  • 200 downloads (May 2023)

  • 100 Downloads (total miss)

  • 50 Downloads (8th of March, 2022)

All downloads: click here

Minecraft mod files
corrupted-blox-forge-1.17.1-v1.1.0-beta2.jar - v1.1.0-beta2 - Latest Uploaded on: 03/08/2022 - 13:38   File size: 10.38 MB
corrupted-blox-forge-1.17.1-v1.1.0-beta1.jar - v1.1.0-beta1 Uploaded on: 03/08/2022 - 11:26   File size: 10.37 MB
corrupted-blox-forge-1.17.1-v1.0.2.jar - v1.0.2 - Recommended Uploaded on: 03/05/2022 - 16:48   File size: 10.34 MB
corrupted-blox-forge-1.17.1-v1.0.1.jar - v1.0.1 Uploaded on: 03/05/2022 - 15:12   File size: 10.34 MB

All downloads listed here:

  • v1.1.0-beta2 - Latest:
    Fixed corrupted plant bounding boxes
    Changed corrupted plant stem branch model
    Changed website URL
    Fixed corrupted plant branch growth
  • v1.1.0-beta1:
    Added corrupted plants, that spawn while the corruption spreads
    Added new variable for plant growth speed, with that a command addon
    Added an advancement for getting corrupted plant seeds
    Remade the advancements
    Added tag '<mod_id>:spreadable' that includes all spreadable blocks
  • v1.0.2 - Recommended:
    Made the decorruption particles twice as big as they were in v1.0.1
    Fixed the decorruptionizator
    Added Nether Corrupted Block Chamber: a structure that spawns in the nether and has the nether corrupted block inside
    Added Purpur Corrupted Block Monument: a structure that spawns on the small islands in the end and has the purpur corrupted block inside
    Disabled spawning on nether and purpur corruption blocks
    Fixed 'get_in_the_hallow' advancement
    Added corruption fragment block to the corruption immune blocks
  • v1.0.1:
    Added update JSON url
    Changed mod command from /corruptionblox to /corrupted_blox
  • v1.0.0: Official Release