Just an Extra Dimension! (JAED)

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Welcome to one of the weirdest mods ever, we have many things here. To get yourself started, you will need one of the main items. It's name shall not be said here so that there is suspense in-game. Instead, it will be called item #1. To craft this, put glowstone dust in the center of a crafting table, then on the top and bottom center slots put sand. On the center left and center right slots, put clay blocks. It's usage is self explanatory once you right click it. It can be crafted with a small flower to make item #2, or put on the sides and top of a nether star (in crafting) to make item #3. If you craft item #1 with dirt, and place the resulting item #4 in a portal frame shape, you can go to a new place that not many have seen before. To activate the portal, click the inside of the frame with your item #3. You will be taken to a place with amazing resources(not)! If you craft the wood here one above another, you will get a new stick type, which can be used to craft new tools with the stone native to this dimension. In the amazing houses, there are strange indents in the corners. If you put a liquid native to this dimension in an indent it will summon mob #1. If it is cleaned with item #1, it will turn into mob #2, a trader of sorts. If it is given glowstone dust, a dandelion, or a nether star, you will get something in return. If it is contaminated with the fluid it was made from, it will turn back into mob #1. If water is put in the corner, it will summon mob #3, which can be ridden, although there is some risk to that. Oh, by the way, this mod is completely useless, did you know that?

Minecraft mod files
Just An Extra Dimension.jar - One of the craziest mods ever. Uploaded on: 03/13/2022 - 18:51   File size: 342.29 KB