Miner's Delights

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This mod adds some ores for extra spice underground. It also has some story elements, though I won't spoil anything! This mod is best enjoyed in hardcore!


Fertile Dirt (Wood)

Break it with a wooden shovel or till it with a hoe to get some worms. You can craft these worms into soup in a bowl! 3 earthworms make a low-quality food. 2 earthworms and a shockworm make a better, higher saturation food. A fleshworm and 2 earthworms make a soup that barely feeds you, but grants Resistance V for a few seconds, so use it in a pinch. An earthworm and 2 centipedes make a soup that has very high saturation.

Brewing a shockworm into any splash potion results in a thunder potion, which strikes lightning when thrown at mobs.

Opinite (Stone)

Drugs! It drops powder that can be diluted in a water bottle. Drinking it grants regeneration and speed, but also gives nausea. You can make a syringe with an oak button, an iron nugget and a block of glass. Diluted Opinite and a Syringe makes a stronger stimulant that grants higher level effects.

Brillite (Diamond)

Want more xp? Better start looking under lava then! When broken with diamond or above, it will give you some raw brillite. You can smelt it in a blast furnace (or a normal one if you have nothing better to do with your life) to get charcoal and lots of xp.

Wood Ore (Stone)

Break it for some wood clumps. Four wood clumps make planks. Finally, an easy source of wood in caves!

Steel Debris (Diamond)

A very rare ore that is mostly useless. Break it, get some clumps, make ingots, make an indestructible block. The only way to get rid of it is to have it fall on a torch, since it has gravity like sand.

Aerostone (Wood)

Very simple block. Made with stone in a stonecutter. It just has holes to see through and spy on your friends.

All of these blocks may be obtained with silk touch.


Main Feature: Zoner

This is the most important thing in the mod. In birch forests, structures can spawn that contain zoner colonies.


Zoner Nerve: used in some crafting recipes

Zoner Wire: also used in crafting

Heavy-Duty Battery: expensive. Refills 50k energy to machines

Decorative Blocks: Ores and decorative/story assets

Zoner Block: blue and hard to break. Gives nerves

Zoner Beacon: emits light (10)

Zoner Ore: gives lots of nerves

Zoner Wiring: gives wires

Zoner Excretor: gives copper (I wonder why?)

Dead Zoner: gives nothing (Note: this block's registry name is compacted_zoner)

Exclusion Stone: gives a nerve. Spawns in birch forests sometimes as a preview to zoners

Crated Zoner: zoner in a box! Drops itself

Lipid Zoner: serves as long-term energy storage for the colony. Drops edible fat that smelts 20 items in a furnace. The block smelts 3 stacks. Requires a netherite hoe

Reinforced Zoner: long-overtaken doors merged into the colony. Drops steel clumps

Zonergrass: just some ambient plant

Zoner Cord: part of the network that connects all zoner colonies in your world. Gives nerves

Active Blocks: These try to defend the colony

Zoner Mind: the brain of each colony, it is needed to activate the other blocks, as in they'll do their special thing only if there's at least one of these within a small radius. Requires a netherite axe

Zoner Diode: touch it, get struck by lightning. Requires iron shovel or above

Zoner Capacitor: touch it 3 times, get destroyed by 20 lightning bolts. Requires iron hoe or above

Zoner Mine: break it, it explodes with the force of 1 TNT

Zoner Nuke: break it, it destroys anything in a 20 block radius

Zoner Shroom: gives you a passing infection, which can be removed with an anti-zoner syringe. Drops spores that spread more shrooms

Anti-Zoner Shroom: tiny mushroom that can cure zoner infections when crafted into a syringe

Zoner Irradiator: touch it, get cancer. Each time the effect expires, it gets worse, eventually giving you wither and killing you. A chemotherapeutic syringe is required to eliminate cancer

Zoner Summoner: break it, some effects happen, a creature spawns. The Zoner Summon only has 9hp, but when it dies it multiplies. To get rid of it, throw it at the void

Thunderbriner: mob that makes some scary noises (courtesy of the 1.19 experimental snapshot) and can only be damaged with potions. An unused variant (the snow stalker) exists, which is white and has 10 times more health


Zoner Drill

Craft it with two nerves in the upper corners, two wires to the sides, a copper ingot in the middle, a comparator at the top and steel ingots in the remaining slots. It requires a battery to grant it 50k energy, which it instantly drains. The empty battery can be recharged by interacting with a Zoner Irradiator.

Upon pressing Run, it will destroy any blocks in its path, except for the Drill Stop (crafted with cobblestone, granite and a nerve), even bedrock. You may also put in an explosive module (crafted with 3 steel clumps surrounding a piece of TNT, and a wire below) to have it make an explosion every time it breaks a block, or a cover module to have it place cobblestone on top of itself any time it breaks a block (crafted the same way as the other one, just with a cobblestone chain in the middle; the cobblestone chain is crafted with 2 cobblestone with a chain in between), or you may use both!


New Enchantments

Thunderstrike (1 level): each hit of your weapon strikes lighting

Storm Cloud (3 levels): upon being struck by lightning, gain fire resistance and strength


Important side notes

Note that the majority of blocks in this mod take a long time to break, even with the proper tool, and are highly blast resistant, as to last through Zoner Mines and Nukes.

The mod also adds structures with chests, some very hidden, so explore each structure carefully, and don't leave any stones unturned.

Any other recipes can be obtained 1. with the /recipe command in-game, or 2. with JEI

The mod is available in English or Spanish


Future plans

-Implement the unused mob

-Add a labyrinth structure

-Add a biome

Minecraft mod files
Miner's Delights 1.0 (EN).jar - Download here! Uploaded on: 03/24/2022 - 15:13   File size: 724.25 KB