Sup3rFlux's Crying Obsidian Mod

Published by Sup2rFlux on
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  • Crying obsidian chest
  • crying obsidian slab
  • crying obsidian stairs
  • crying obsidian wall (which doesn't work like a wall should for some reason)
  • crying obsidian armor
  • crying obsidian tools
  • crying obsidian forest


Mods that need to be installed to work

  • Fabric API


To get the crying obsidian walls to work, you need to use the debug stick to change the properties of the block.

Minecraft mod files
Sup3rFluxsCryingObsidianMod.jar - The crying obsidian mod Uploaded on: 03/31/2022 - 21:48   File size: 117.66 KB

finally, the right building blocks, to make this mod even better, you should add support for other blocks, ie smooth stone, obsidian (not crying obsidian,) different wood logs, iron blocks, diamond blocks, netherite blocks, emerald blocks, or many more.