No Life: an Advancement Expansion

Published by Caution on
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This mod adds in a bit of new advancements to the game. All advancements included (organized by mod version) are listed below.
Total advancements added as of most recent version: 28
This mod will be updated frequently to add in new advancements.

Advancement List (Sorted by version, removed advancements will have strikethrough and the version they were removed in in parentheses)

Smokin' Hot - Craft a smoker
Blastphemy! - Craft a blast furnace
Enderman Ender - Kill an enderman in the End
Building Purposes Only - Craft a block of netherite
Pest Control - Break a mob spawner
Enchanting Time - Reach level 30
Time Well Spent - Reach level 100
What's This Blue Stuff? - Obtain lapis lazuli
Powdered Wires - Obtain redstone
True Serious Dedication - Craft and fully use a diamond hoe (just like pre-1.16 serious dedication)
Ender Lice - Kill an endermite
Ender Dragon But Harder - Kill the ender dragon on hard difficulty (removed in v1.1)
The Wither But Harder - Kill the wither on hard difficulty (removed in v1.1)
Free Bird - Fly to a Y-level of 512
Kool Aid™ Man - Stand on top of the Nether ceiling
Exquisite Excavation - Obtain a diamond pickaxe

Acquire Software - Obtain a gold ingot
Unfortunate Investment - Craft any gold tool or armor piece
Baby's First Critical! - Get a critical hit
Do You Know The Way? - Craft a compass
Tick Tock - Craft a clock
I Was Over There a Second Ago - Eat chorus fruit
Lumberjack - Get a wooden axe
Strip That Down - Strip wood
Upgraded Efficiency - Craft a stone axe
Zesty Style - Craft an armor stand
Showing Off - Craft an item frame
Star Students - Craft a glow item frame
Copper Constructs - Get a copper ingot
The Waiting Game - Wait for any copper block to weather

Minecraft mod files
NoLifeAdvancementExpansion_1.0.jar - No Life Advancement Expansion Release 1.0 (old) Uploaded on: 06/29/2022 - 03:34   File size: 29.14 KB
NoLifeAdvancementExpansion_1.1.jar - No Life Advancement Expansion Release 1.1 Uploaded on: 06/30/2022 - 02:18   File size: 48.18 KB

v1.1 - Minor Update

Removed advancements:

Ender Dragon But Harder - Kill the ender dragon on hard difficulty

The Wither But Harder - Kill the wither on hard difficulty

Added advancements:

Acquire Software - Obtain a gold ingot

Unfortunate Investment - Craft any gold tool or armor piece

Baby's First Critical! - Get a critical hit

Do You Know The Way? - Craft a compass

Tick Tock - Craft a clock

I Was Over There a Second Ago - Eat chorus fruit

Lumberjack - Get a wooden axe

Strip That Down - Strip wood

Upgraded Efficiency - Craft a stone axe

Zesty Style - Craft an armor stand

Showing Off - Craft an item frame

Star Students - Craft a glow item frame

Copper Constructs - Get a copper ingot

The Waiting Game - Wait for any copper block to weather

I think the hard difficulty ones are a bit unfair, as players in other difficulties won't be able to get all advancements, but otherwise really cool!