Hanew village : the little dragon's village

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"About hanew village Mod"


hanew village mod is a mod about little dragon, hanews and there village!

As of now, we require and support 1.18.2 version of Forge and Minecraft.

The support for fabric mode loader is not planned.(I'm so sorry...!)

I don't know why but Experimental mod warning will appear,

just ignore it, this mod is safe

"About hanew"


hanew are little dragon which can be found at a village in Another Dimension.

they are civilized species, so they can't be taim.

however, by opening GUI, you can chat with them any time.(trading system will add later)

also they'll give you ride if you ask for.


"About Another Dimension"


Another Dimension(right, the Dimension name is Another) is home of  hanews.

you have to go Another Dimension for find them and there village.

by Bunch of flowers and  Pledge for Another, you can make and open portal in the same way as nether portal.

it  can be a peaceful Dimension but Be careful not to get lost.

there is only single biome and you will be need to seek for a village in somewhere.


"all recipe"

bunch of flower

Pledge for Another

starberry (you will need to farming star berry seed first)

star berry cake

white starberry decoration pot

Gray starberry decoration pot

black starberry decoration pot

hanew scarecrow



Q. Can I report questions, suggestions, and bugs in the comments?

A. As long as we respect each other, we are always welcome and grateful!

Instead, please avoid mentioning the mode in articles that are not related to the mode.

Q. Although it's our first time meeting, can we get the mode?

A. Of course, you can receive it, and the producer is happy if you do it!

Q. Can I redistribute the mode file to other sites, etc.?

A. I'm planning to upload files on the site.

but I don't want anyone to redistribute my file.(Crying)

However, it's natural to exchange files between individuals.

Q. When is the next update?

A. I try to update is freely but,

I decide to update this per 2~4 week!

I will notify if the update schedule have to change~



(Sometimes it may not be the latest version.
Please use "this link" for the latest version)

Modification files
hanew_village_mod_2.35_1.19.4.jar Uploaded on: 07/21/2023 - 13:55   File size: 18.58 MB

1.55ver / start publishing at Mcreator site

2.10 ver / republishing at Mcreator site
1.19.4 support, 
texture fix, 
and added one easter egg.

2.13 ver / bug fix about trading with hanew
added more lines and detail for hanew's chat
fix some mod variable's variable type
increase spawn amount of ancient dragon structure.
fixed few korean tarnslate.

2.18 ver / change hanew's model and texture....again.
added gifting system, which you can give some item to hanew.
fix riding system, now you can't ride baby hanew
added starberry sandwich and it's recipe.

2.25 ver / fix village do not spawn in previous version(I'm apologize, it's my mistake)

2.32 ver/ fix problem that village spawn weirdly, and make racking while spawning.
from now, hanew will close their eyes when they are sleep!
also you can't interact with them when they are in sleep.
added  more type of village and structure for village.
added "hv structure <position> village <village_type>" command.
edit translate keys

2.35 ver / added 'a box of star berry', 'star berry pie', 'star berry recipe book'
fix texture of 'star berry cookies' as animation texture.
added 'a box of star berry' recipe and 'star berry pie' recipe.
change creative tab's order