Apex Legends by Antison

Published by Antyson on
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MIT License
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This mod aims to add Apex Legends into Minecraft.

And with the release of the beta follows a 1 year pause on the Apex legends in Minecraft project as I will be gone for a while and therefore unable to work on the project for about a year.

I have plans for the mod to be bigger in the future but for now, it will stay in a beta for 1 year.

Edit: This mod will not recieve further care from me in the near future.

/!\ The trailer for the modhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncgwoBH6MFs /!\

Minecraft mod files
apexlegends.jar - Apexlegends 1.0 - 1.16.5 Uploaded on: 08/06/2022 - 07:58   File size: 7.27 MB
apexlegends1.1.jar - Apexlegends 1.1 - 1.16.5 (added chinese and danish translation) Uploaded on: 08/21/2022 - 17:02   File size: 12.56 MB

- Version 1.0 -

Added ultimates and tacticals for:

Bangalore, Bloodhound, Caustic, Crypto, Fuse, Gibraltar, Horizon, Lifeline (only the tactical), Loba, Mirage, Octane, Pathfinder, Rampart, Revenant, Valkyrie, Wattson, Wraith

- Version 1.1 -

Added chinese and danish translation

updated the /apex command (/apexlegends)