the reactor of the nether

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This mod adds my version of the Nether reactor.




-when wearing this armour you have fire resistance



Red Obsidian

-unobtainable accept if you use commands

-emits light level of 15 (the highest light level)


Nether reactor

-when right-clicked it generates a little Nether 64 blocks above it, then it sends a message to all players saying: successfully generated little nether, then in ten seconds it will replace itself with red obsidian


Quartz Nether reactor

-when right-clicked it generates a Quartz little Nether 64 blocks above it, then it sends a message to all players saying: successfully generated quartz little nether, then in ten seconds it will replace itself with red obsidian



Little Nether

-the little nether has a few Nether blocks and has 2 nether mobs in the hut on top of it


Quartz little Nether

-the quartz little nether has calcite, polished diorite, nether quartz ore, red obsidian and 3 nether mobs hidden on top of it



Quartz recipe:


smelting an iron ingot in a blast furnace




Nether reactor recipe:


do the following in a crafting table:


iron ingot, gold ingot, iron ingot

iron ingot, diamond block, iron ingot

iron ingot, gold ingot, iron ingot




Quartz Nether reactor recipe:


do the following in a smithing table:


nether reactor + quartz



Obsidianforged chestplate recipe:


do the following in a smithing table:


netherite chestplate + crying obsidian



Obsidianforged helmet recipe:


do the following in a smithing table:


netherite helmet + crying obsidian



Obsidianforged leggings recipe:


do the following in a smithing table:


netherite leggings + crying obsidian



Obsidianforged boots recipe:


do the following in a smithing table:


netherite boots + crying obsidian

Minecraft mod files
the reactor of the nether v 1.2.0.jar Uploaded on: 10/18/2022 - 08:50   File size: 47.83 KB
the reactor of the nether v 1.2.9.jar Uploaded on: 10/19/2022 - 15:58   File size: 62.96 KB
the reactor of the nether v 1.2.12.jar Uploaded on: 10/19/2022 - 16:12   File size: 62.88 KB
the reactor of the nether v 1.3.0.jar Uploaded on: 10/20/2022 - 12:19   File size: 138.49 KB

v 1.2.0

-added quartz nether reactor


v 1.2.9

-added obsidianforged armour


v 1.2.12

-changed obsidianforged armour


v 1.3.0

-added red obsidian mites which spawn every 100 seconds on red obsidian but if there is no red obsidian they won't spawn