Accurate Blocks

Published by KindaMaybe on
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New Blocks:

- Sugar Block: Gravity block. can be crafted with sugar in a 2x2 square. When near lava it will burn and turn into a Roasted Sugar Block. 

Sugar Block Recipe

- Roasted Sugar Block: When stood on causes damage like a magma block. Also, translucent. Can be crafted in 4 Molten Sugars.

Roasted Sugar Block Recipe

- Nether Salt Glazed Sand: can be mined for raw salt. gravity block. Found in Nether.

- Salt Glazed Sand: can be mined for sea salt. gravity block. Found in ocean biomes.


- Raw Salt Block, Sea Salt Block, Salt Block: any form of salt can be crafted in a 3x3 area to make a block of the respective salt.

Sea Salt Block Recipe

- Mucus Block and Mucus Layer: snails secrete mucus layers when they slither. When walked on, the entity is slowed and cannot jump. when mined, it drops mucus balls. These mucus balls can be put in a 2x2 area in a crafting table to make mucus blocks. mucus blocks are transparent and can be walked through. When holding space, the player can rise in the mucus like a ladder. 

- Mud: Mud spawns naturally in swamps. when put in a 2x2 area in a crafting table; two mud blocks, two wheat; it crafts mud bricks.

- Mud Bricks: Can be crafted into the normal things: stairs, slabs, walls.

Mud Brick Recipe

- Bamboo Wood: can be crafted with 4 bamboo. 

- Propeller: crafting recipe shown in screenshot tab. when powered with redstone, one arrow shoots out of the north, south, east, and west sides of the block. Once it shoots arrows, it explodes. 

Propeller Recipe

- Gunpowder Block: when exploded, it explodes. 3 x 3 recipe.

- Temp Lamp: the warmth of entities can light the lamp when they are pressed against it. redstone or projectiles can also light the block.

Temp Lamp Recipe

- Dried Paper Mache: can be crafted from paper mache.

Dried Paper Mache Recipe

- Paper Mached Glowstone: can be crafted with 1 glowstone and 4 paper maches. can be dyed into blue, green, or pink varients. 

Paper Mached Glowstone Recipe


- Molten Sugar: can be crafted from Roasted Sugar Block.

- Clear Rock Candy: can be crated with 2 molten sugar, 1 water bottle, and 1 stick. can be dyed into any color of dye.

Clear Rock Candy Recipe

- Mucus Ball: can be placed.

- Paper Mache: can be crafted with 2 salt, 1 water bottle, and 2 paper.

Paper Mache Recipe


- Snail: can be found in birch forests. Secretes mucus. Can be bred using any mushroom.

Modification files
Accurate Blocks (vers1).jar Uploaded on: 10/23/2022 - 02:33   File size: 218.86 KB

Idea: Woven wool blocks- wool that has cool patterns, somewhat like glazed terracotta, craft 3 of a color from 4 wool of that same color

Also, feedback for any cool ideas to add to new or existing blocks, items, or entities are welcome!

If the images do not load for you, you can find all the images on the curseforge version of this mod with the same name.

Any bugs found in the mod can be commented here. Itll help me a lot :)