MITD - Minecraft is too difficult

Published by winicu on
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Please note that this mod is in heavy develop and have a super frequent update! 

This is a mod that final goals to make minecraft better and easier.


Auto update is enabled after 106a12.

What's new in 1.6.16?

Total element count: 254->312
[+]Smelter can create about all alloys now ;).
[+]You can compress charcoal to coal.
[+]Knowledge flask can now be reformed as a enchantment bottle.
[+]Add recipe and function for staffs.
    Water staff can extinguish you.
    Fire staff can give you fire res.
    Wind staff can make you fly.
    Storm staff can [deleted, reason: Too powerful.]
[+]Add functions for Rune enchantment.
[+]Added some creative-only feature and reserved feature.
[+]Add a lot of new things.
    Some of them will have no recipe because the developing process.
[=]EW have been enabled.
[=]Staff can only stack up to one.
[=]Modified staff's durability.
[=]Modified some recipe.

[#]Confirmed issue: smeltery DON't detect slot 7(id:6) while making alloy more than 4 parts.
    This issue is not a general problem as no alloy use slot 7 for it's recipe.
[=]Major bug fix:
    Smeltery won't broken now.
[=]Modified some recipe.

Total mod elements in 1.6.15: 312.


MITD (or Minecraft Is Too Difficult) is a mod that goals to minecraft better and easier.

From here, you can get a early view of this uncompleted mod.

We can make ores from gravels with a single sift instead of mining for years (gravels can now be  get in a stonecutter!). There is no need to know difficult recipe because all machines is simple and efficient.

MostSome alloy's recipe is easier than other mods. 

Delicious and good foods to choose from.

Powerful magic items. (coming in 106a10107a or later)

Powerful tools (coming 107a or later)



Current feature

  • 9 Unique mineral dust and ingots.
  • Simple Alloy system.
  • Sifting and ore washing system.
  • 20+ delicious food.
  • available on survival and they all got easy recipe.


Work in progress features

  • Alloy and more efficient machines.
  • Flying orb and other magical item.
  • More delicious food and extra plants.
  • ...



1.Runes cannot craft.


Special thanks

Slimefun, which gives me the idea.


Minecraft mod files
mitd-1.6.15-rb2.jar Uploaded on: 11/29/2022 - 06:10   File size: 4.85 MB

Total element count: 109->145
[+]Completed carbonado and synthetic diamond's full recipe from coal(or diamond).
[+]Added tier II of ore washer.
[+]Added tea.
[+]Added 18 alloys, but with no recipe.
[=]Carbon and compressed carbon burn time is increased by 100%.
[=]Improved tab arrange.
[=]Bug fixes.


Total element count: 145->168
[+]Added smelter( and it's recipe).
   You can now make Aluminum Brass ingot, Aluminum bronze ingot, Brass ingot, bronze ingot, cobalt ingot, Duralumin ingot, Nickel ingot, solder ingot, steel ingot and 9 mineral ingots.
[+]Ender lump and magic lump from level 1~3 is added.
[+]Add 10 unique runes.
[-]billon dust have been removed because the new smelter is coming.
[-]Removed reserved1~4.


Total element count: 168->212
[+]Added magic altar.
[+]Added extra magic gadget and their recipe.
[+]Added Ender rune's recipe in crafting table.
[+]Added Auto sift.
[+]Added uranium recipe.
[=]rewrite the smelter.
   Added recipe for billon ingot ,titanium and Ferrosilicon.
[=]Add 4 stone into empty rune's recipe.
[=]Diamond Now equal 6 carbon.


[+]Added auto update link(hope it's working)


Total element count: 212->253
[+]Add rune recipe.
[+]Add dust creator.
   Notice that it will only transfer 50% dusts.
[+]smeltery: Add recipe for gold ingot 6k~24k.
[+]Added more radioactive things.
[+]Add energy unit (EW)
   This will be reserved and remain unused until i completed the basic things.
[=]Modified some recipe.
[=]A stone will produce 4 stone chunk in stonecutter now.
[=]More things can be fuel.
   Maybe it's time to put diamond(or carbonado, it can burn for 80000 ticks lol) into your super smelter to save some chests and hopper.
[=]Fix bugs.
[-]Removed Magic Altar.


No data


Total element count: 254->312
[+]Smelter can create about all alloys now ;).
[+]You can compress charcoal to coal.
[+]Knowledge flask can now be reformed as a enchantment bottle.
[+]Add recipe and function for staffs.
   Water staff can extinguish you.
   Fire staff can give you fire res.
   Wind staff can make you fly.
   Storm staff can [deleted, reason: Too powerful.]
[+]Add functions for Rune enchantment.
[+]Added some creative-only feature and reserved feature.
[+]Add a lot of new things.
   Some of them will have no recipe because the developing process.
[=]EW have been enabled.
[=]Staff can only stack up to one.
[=]Modified staff's durability.
[=]Modified some recipe.

[#]Confirmed issue: smeltery DON't detect slot 7(id:6) while making alloy more than 4 parts.
   This issue is not a general problem as no alloy use slot 7 for it's recipe.

[=]Major bug fix:
   Smeltery won't broken now.
[=]Modified some recipe.
Please note that this version is described as "1.6.15-Rebuild 2"