Bug Out! Mod

Published by Ekulchu on
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Welcome to the Bug Out! mod, a mod that aims to make vanilla bug mobs a bit more interesting as well as (in the future) incorporate unique and useful bugs to catch. In this mod, you will go about catching and keeping bugs using the new Bugshot tool. If you keep them happy enough, you'll get unique loot that can be used to make powerful and fun tools, armor sets(with unique and interesting set bonuses), and blocks.


Currently, this mod is in public prerelease and adds habitat functionality for Spiders & Bees, as well as various related blocks, materials, and tools. A wiki is in progress, but the mod should be self-explanatory with JIT (or similar) and an empty habitat(new block).


Have questions, want to help development, or have a bug(pun inevitable) to report? Ask them in the comments of this post, and I'll get to them ASAP. Alternatively, I will be quite a bit easier to reach on the Mod Discord.


Q&A Coming Soon

Minecraft mod files
Bug Out! Prelease 0.1.0.jar Uploaded on: 12/25/2022 - 03:05   File size: 4.06 MB

Prerelease 0.1.0:  The Honey &Silk Update

-Added empty habitats

-Added Bee habitats

-Added Spider habitats

-Added Wooden, Metal, Gilded, Crystalline, Hellforged, Dripstone, and Amethyst Bugshots

-Added Wooden, Weighted, Infernal, Honey, and Floral Net Balls

-Made Bees and Spiders catchable via Bugshot

-Added the following items as valid habitat decor options: Dandelion, Poppy, Blue Orchid, Allium, Azure Bluet, Red Tulip, Orange Tulip, White Tulip, Pink Tulip, Oxeye Daisy, Cornflower, Lily of the Valley, Wither Rose, Grass, Fern, Red Mushroom, Brown Mushroom, Cobweb, Stone/Cobblestone, Mossy Cobblestone, Deepslate/Cobbled Deepslate

-Added various bee-related habitat drops

-Added various spider-related habitat drops

-Added Bumble Armor

-Added Spider Armor

-Added Honied Tools

-Added Honied Brick block set

-Added Spiderbrick block set

-Added a new Music Disc- Silktop

-Added Buggy Happiness Survey, which can be used on occupied habitats to gather feedback from bugs to make them happier

If you mean cross-mod support, that's a really good idea, actually... I would definitely need to put some serious work into custom code for it, but I may look into this in the future.

As for adding custom-modded insects within the mod itself, there are already several planned for as soon as the next update... :)