Common Sense

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This mod adds crafting recipes for lots of items that don't have crafting recipes, and adds food and items



use JEI or REI to see crafting recipes!

Now compatible with Advanced Finders Mod in their (Version 1.19.2-

How to get stone brick Video

New!!! (use for stone cutter)


This mod adds the following crafting, Go to my website to see the list if you don't want to use JEI or REI
Note: If Cruseforge site goes down, you can also now download my mod at my site as well as a back-up
you will have to move the file from where you placed the version to the mod folder in the cruseforge mod pack.
and there will be newer version on there before public on cruseforge


WHY DID YOU EVEN ASK!? The answer is yes, you can add it to a modpack!


if you want to help me Port the mod (not fabric) to newer versions, you can private message me.


The stone armor mod is continued here old page: (Link)


If you didn't know, we have a new discord!

wish to support me? you can join my Patreon page!
=Back Porting=
Sorry, but Back Porting this mod is easy said than done. Mcreator does not let newer versions be back ported. Meaning I would have to start from scratch.


=Old Versions=
1.12.2 (V: 1.0.0)
1.16.5 (V: 1.1.5)
1.18.2 (V: 2.0.0)


(got Realistic ideas to add to Minecraft. Leave it in the comments)

Minecraft mod files
Common Sense mod 2.0.2.jar Uploaded on: 02/02/2023 - 00:35   File size: 1006.42 KB

(Version: 2.0.2)
Uncraft Wool to string
Uncraft Magma block to magma balls
Crafting of rotten potato to Potato
(Version: 2.0.1)
blank disc missing recipe
spawn core missing recipe

Loads of advancements

Stone Cutter Recipes for stone to cut into gravel, then gravel into sand.
Crafting for Grinder


(Version: 2.0.0)
Re-added all item/blocks/textures/recipes back into a new mod

=Items added=

SlingShoot. Shoots rocks


Grinder: Coming Soon!!!