Anthropology: Items and Structures
Anthropology: Items and Structures adds a kind of soft lore to the game, wherein a long gone nuclear war has wiped out modern civilization and left ruins, myths and legends behind.
This experimental mod made in MCreator (fair warning) adds structures, weapons, tools, armor sets, mechanics and mobs to the game to explore this concept. Because the completed version is very large, I'm releasing it in an open beta now and adding updates as I work on the new content, the first of which is the Atomic Age Update, out now.
One of the structures included in the mod (Fire Lookout Tower)
Atomic Age Update
This update adds the Nuclear Bunker, an abandoned facility that guards the forgotten secrets to harvesting the power of the atom.
- Resources
This update adds two new main resources: Lead and Uranium.
Lead can be obtained by mining in the overworld. It is necessary to craft all major items involving radioactive material, most notably, the lead-plated armor that allows you to approach and store radioactive matter in your inventory.
Uranium can either be obtained through condensing uranium sludge (lakes spawn rarely in the overworld) or mined directly from the bunker's vault, the only large source in the world. Uranium can be condensed into Condensed Uranium, and the latter can be combined with diamond and netherite to form the ultra-strong alloy Uranite.
- Armor sets
There are 3 new armor sets, the lead plated suit to defend against radiation (with a level of protection similar to iron), the Uranite armor, made from uranite, and the Trinitium armor, a supercharged version of the uranite set infused with Trinitite crystals harvested from the trinitite sand left over from the explosion of a Thermonuclear bomb.
Lead Plated Armor
Uranite Armor
Trinitium Armor
All three sets nullify the effects of radiation.
-Tools and Weapons
Uranite can make a sword, a pickaxe and an axe, while Trinitium can only make a sword, which gives the Irradiation debuff to the entity it hits.
-Thermonuclear Bomb
With the resources found at the Nuclear Bunker, you can craft a Thermonuclear Bomb. Firstly, recover the Tritium and Deuterium canisters from the cryogenic chamber in The Lab. Then, head over to the Missile Silo and recover the three Enriched Uranium cores from the missile warhead. Finally, look in the Filing Cabinets as you explore and collect all nine pieces of the bomb schematics (with which you can make the Master Schematics). Finally, craft the core housings, the chassis and the spark igniter, and combine all of them in a crafting table. You can make 3 bombs in total.
When a hydrogen bomb explodes, the heat generated causes the nearby materials to synthesise into Trinitite. This leads to the creation of Trinitite sand, which can be collected in the form of Trinitite shards. By blasting Trinitite shards in a blast furnace, you obtain the Trinitite Crystal, which is used to obtain the Trinitium Armor by infusing an existing Uranite armor with the crystal in a Smithing table.
- Blocks
Out of the blocks included in the update, 6 have utility.
- Uranium Condenser: Condenses the Raw Uranium you feed it into Condensed Uranium. It doesn't require fuel, but it needs Ice as coolant.
- Filing Cabinet: A chest-like block with 10 slots. Only found at the Nuclear Bunker, where you'll find pieces of thermonuclear bomb schematics strewn throughout the facility.
- Uranium Container: If combined with Raw Uranium in a crafting table, you can have it in your inventory without it giving you the Irradiation effect (damage).
- Uranium Sludge Condenser: It condenses Uranium Sludge into Raw Uranium. This one uses Magma Blocks as fuel.
- Cryogenic Canister Case: Only found at the Nuclear Bunker. Contains the Deuterium and Tritium canisters.
- Lead Wall Light: A toggleable block that emits light. Turn it on/off by right-clicking it.
Warning: Having raw Uranium/Uranium blocks in your inventory or being near a placed Uranium block gives you the Irradiation debuff, as does falling into Uranium sludge. You can defend yourself with the Lead Plated Armor.
Note: The Reinforced Lead blocks are unbreakable. They cover the entire exterior of the Nuclear Bunker, leaving only one entry/exit.
These are other decoration blocks. The Reinforced Railing is unbreakable as well.
Finally the two liquids in the update, Uranium Sludge and Stagnant Water. Falling into either causes damage. Uranium Sludge gives the Irradiation debuff and Stagnant Water gives the Poison potion effect.
- Other Items and features
- The nuclear strike siren sounds the nuclear strike alarm that plays before a Thermonuclear Bomb goes off (could be used for trolling)
- The Geiger Counter indicates how far away you are from the Nuclear Bunker by telling you the microsieverts per hour it is measuring. The higher the number, the closer you are. It maxes out at 75 mS/h, indicating you are at the bunker. To start looking for the bunker, head in a Northeastern direction (positive x/positive z) until the sieverts/hour are more than 0, then follow the trail until you get as close as you can to 75 mS/h. Warning: the opening could be covered/buried. It should generally be at Y level 60.
- The lead rod is used instead of the wooden stick to craft Uranite/Trinitium weapons and tools
New feature: Atomic Shielding enchantment. This is a book enchantment you can add to Chestplates (or it won't be effective) that nullifies the effects of radiation. It is one of the only ways to defend yourself other than the Lead Plated Armor and the Uranite-based Armors.
- Mobs
This update adds one mob, the Irradiated Zombie. They are the result of failed experiments at the bunker's laboratory aiming to modify human DNA to make it resistant to radiation. Something went wrong, and what resulted was an extremely dangerous zombie that gives you radiation poisoning when you hit it. When they die, they also have a small chance of either removing a piece of your armor, reducing your food level or giving you a 5 second burst of radiation. They are extremely tough to kill and either full Lead Plated Armor (though this is susceptible to one piece being removed), full Uranite-based armor or Atomic Shielding is strongly recommended to fight them.
- Nuclear Bunker
The Nuclear Bunker is an abandoned nuclear research facility. One generates per world by default, but you can place another one with commands.
The bunker's exterior is composed of unbreakable reinforced lead panelling, leaving only one entry/exit. Its main appeal is the Uranium Vault found at the deepest level of the facility, which only opens once every security lever has been activated. They are found throughout the facility, so keep an eye out as you explore. Additionally, the resources to make the Thermonuclear Bomb are found throughout the facility, including hydrogen isotope canisters, schematics and the Enriched Uranium core. Check in the filing cabinets as you explore to find Pieces of Bomb Schematics, with 9 of them you can craft the Master Schematics. To find the Enriched Uranium core, head down to the missile silo and find the three cores inside the missile.
Because the facility has been abandoned for centuries, a closed ecosystem has been formed inside the facility with dangerous radioactive mobs and overgrowth. A lead armor is strongly recommended before exploring the bunker.
- Nuclear Bunker Images
Inside the lower artery of the facility.
The entrance to the uranium vault.
The radioactive waste management facility (the green liquid is toxic sludge).
The laboratory, overrun with life after millenia of neglect and abandonment.
The Hub, situated above sludge cooling tanks.
The offices/administration.
Sealed entrance to the bunker (can be buried!)
- Other features
- /placebunker: places a Nuclear Bunker near the player. Can be used to place more bunkers in case the one that spawns naturally doesn't provide enough resources (or for any other reason).
- /locatebunker: sends a message in chat with the exact coordinates of the naturally spawned bunker.
Both commands can only be accessed with Cheats activated.
- Full Crafting Guide
Core Content
These are the structures the mod generates, some of which contain new and unique loot.
Hunter's cabin
Fire lookout tower
Aztec ruins
Illager stash (dig down!)
Tree house
Miner outpost
Moai head
Water well
Ancient tomb
Medieval ruins
Inca ruins
Plus a few smaller (and/or mystery) structures across the overworld.
And these are the items and blocks in the core mod.
Watch out for the next update of Anthropology: Items and Structures
DISCLAIMER: This is an experimental mod made in MCreator (as optimized as MCreator allows). Certain functions/processes could cause lag and/or decrease ticks per second. Do not mess with the purple and black Placer blocks. They are coded to immediately spawn huge structures and then delete themselves. The structures replace everything they spawn on and this is irreversible. If you are going to do this anyway, do it away from anything important.
The sludge converter is uncraftable, and uranium sludge is extremely rare, you should increment the chances to find it. Despite that, the mod is very good, and it is very fun