The feature update MCreator 2023.1 pre-release is here

Published by Klemen on
The feature update MCreator 2023.1 pre-release is here: feature mod element, image buttons, and much more

The pre-release of the MCreator 2023.1 is here. Make sure to download it and try it out, so we can make sure to have as stable full release as possible. More in the article!

Snapshot changelog

This is a full changelog of this snapshot with more notable changes highlighted with bold text.

  • Improved workspace selector window with some new features
  • Split player procedures into player management and player data procedure categories
  • Added image buttons to the custom GUI mod element
  • Added rendered entity models to the custom GUI mod element
  • Added a dialog that informs the users of a plugin load failure and the reason for it
  • Added call loot table procedure blocks with world, location, and entity contexts
  • Added a parameter with an optional procedure to make custom living entity bounding box solid
  • Added entity procedure blocks: attempt to make entity find a path and move to a location, stop navigation, set attack target
  • Added block list and block tag feature blocks
  • Added feature conditions: if any of the conditions are met, if all of the conditions are met, is block in block list or tag
  • Added feature placements: offset on xz and y, heightmap relative threshold, carving mask placement
  • Added feature types: seagrass, bamboo, delta, replace block, column, random patch
  • Added a new player procedure: has specific GUI open
  • [Bugfix] Duplicating mod element deleted original mod element files and caused build errors
  • [Bugfix] GUI textures with the registry name of the GUI mod element could be unexpectedly deleted in some cases
  • [Bugfix] When using Chinese Simplified or Chinese Traditional language, certain procedure categories failed to load
  • [Bugfix] Certain incompatible plugins could cause the software to stop loading on the splash screen
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

Release changelog

Below is the changelog of the previous snapshots, covering all the changes in the upcoming 2023.1 release.

  • Updated bundled Java to version OpenJDK 17.0.5
  • Updated 1.19.2 Minecraft Forge version to 43.2.0
  • Updated Blockly to v9.2.0
  • Added Chinese help tips for most of the UI elements
  • Pressing the delete key on the workspace panel lists deletes the selected elements
  • Pressing enter key on the workspace panel lists edits the selected elements
  • Added custom entity spawn eggs and custom dimension portal blocks to the block/item selector
  • Added an option to define bone meal conditions and action procedures for custom blocks and plants
  • Added support for custom armor item JSON and OBJ models
  • Added entity procedure blocks: get the first passenger
  • Added itemstack procedure blocks: get max stack size, is stackable, is damaged, is damageable
  • Added new item procedure blocks: get item harvest level
  • Added feature types: huge fungus, forest rock, underwater coral tree, underwater coral claw, and underwater coral mushroom
  • Added feature conditional placements: is block solid, inside world bounds, is block with sturdy face, is air, is air or water, is block replaceable, would block survive on position, condition negation
  • Added new feature placements: repeated N times, repeated N times on every layer, (repeated) noise-based count
  • Added feature height placements: with trapezoid distribution, biased to bottom height, very biased to bottom height
  • Added new feature integer providers: constant, random integer, biased random integer, random integer with normal distribution, clamp integer
  • Added mod compatibility procedures: is mod loaded, convert registry name to item, convert registry name to block
  • Added scan blocks up or down until condition is met feature placement block
  • Improved code generator system internals
  • The default particles setting is now All in the test Minecraft environment
  • Added some new buttons to the toolbar for easier action access
  • Added custom code snippet procedure blocks to the AI builder
  • Custom GUI and overlay texts are now included in localization system and can be translated
  • Added new entity with ranged attacks parameters: ranged attack interval and radius
  • Added option to define custom GUI input slot limits using item tags
  • Added option to separately specify slot pickup and placement parameters with conditional procedure support
  • Changed is item of tool type procedure block to more general is item of item type procedure block
  • Removed GUI and overlay label tokens and replaced them with string return procedures system
  • Improved biome generation parameters system
  • Added feature mod element
  • Added feature types: simple block, lake, huge red mushroom, huge brown mushroom, block pile
  • Added feature placements: on heightmap, with random XZ within a chunk, with a chance, within a biome, on surface water depth, based on block survival
  • Added feature height placements: at height, with uniform distribution, with triangular distribution, n blocks above world bottom or below world top
  • Added procedure blocks to get block, item, and entity registry names
  • Added entity procedure blocks: set entity frozen for a number of ticks, get number of ticks entity was frozen, make entity stop riding an entity
  • [Bugfix, FG 1.19.2] The wait procedure block sometimes crashed the game
  • [Bugfix, A 1.19.x] Loot tables editor did not work properly
  • [Bugfix] Custom item damage vs mob/animal parameter did not work
  • [Bugfix] Some animated textures could break the block/item selector
  • [Bugfix] Java model coverage was not shown properly in certain cases for plugin generators in the generator selector
  • [Bugfix] In some cases, certain mod files were not deleted by the generator when they should be
  • [Bugfix] Biomes did not register to the overworld dimension properly in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Melee attack AI task had too big of an attack range in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Using break and continue Blockly blocks outside the loops caused build errors
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

Snapshot release notes

  • Custom fluid element generation was moved to the feature mod element. Existing generation setups will be converted automatically.
  • [Plugins] Added support for list fields, making custom Blockly mutators possible

A download of the snapshot is possible on the Download page under the Snapshot downloads section. 

Make sure to download and install the pre-release so you can test it out. This way we can make sure the release can be as stable as possible. Leave a comment with your feedback on the update below. Stay tuned and keep on modding!

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I suggest installing the pre-release and checking if out. If it does not work, open a bug report. This is the only way to fix problems. We can't figure out problems of each and every user, this is why we release snapshots so users can test and report bugs back will it be compagible with 1.19.3 ? THAT'S what I'm dying to know, Iron Golem eggs are really important for me
Then again I could always mod it in, but why mod something that's already available in younger versions of the game ?


Is it possible to add the feature that if you use an Image in a GUI/Overlay that you can specify the position of the image for example you have a progress bar image with both states empty and full, then you can specify the position of the image only for the empty one.

Also would be cool to use the blit code to make an easier progress bar without custom code or with multiply images. Also would be cool to make it so that you can use this blit code to define it with a certain value.

can someone tell me the code blocks to use the rendered entity models? I can't figure it out

Cool! also, will you guys update to 1.19.3 or are you guys waiting for 1.20?

I'm having some issues with this version... After I "run client" mcreator freezes, that much even that I can't close it. The only way to close it is using task manager.

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