Topic category: User side tutorials
The way that I managed to make this work is by using the steps listed from [Tutorial] How to animate custom bow pulling (for 1.16)! | MCreator but you only need to do steps 1 and 3, ignore step 2, so the Java file called, "YourBowItem.JAVA" you need to delete everything and copy and paste the code below and replace everything that you need:
MCreator YourBowItem.JAVA Fixed Code -
To modify the damage of your bow, find the line of code: SoundEvents.ENTITY_ARROW_SHOOT, SoundCategory.PLAYERS, 1.0F, 1.0F / (random.nextFloat() * 2F + 3F) + 2 * 12.0F);
I don't know exactly how these values work but all I know is that the third number (* 2F + 3F) + 2 * 12.0F) can't be a decimal number, only whole numbers.
If you do it right, your custom bow should shoot arrows like a vanilla bow!
I hope you all have a great day/night.
Update: I just realized that the bows only work in creative mode😭
I'll make another tutorial soon to make this work properly.
Update:Ive decided that I'm no longer going to use MCreator, I'm just gonna bite the bullet and learn Java code, see ya nerds later.
Update: I decided to come back because I think I know how to get this to work.