Pinguinmike,s Challenges

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Pinguinmike,s Challenges is a mod with challenges that you seen from other mods/plugins but also with new selfmade features for your content.
---------------------"Challenges inspired from speedrunner for speedrunner"---------------------

Here is a list of the current challenges from this mod:

Normal Challenges/Special:

TheSunIsHarmful: A new selfmade challenge with the property the Sun is harmful and you take damage from her (Good compatible with "TheDarknessIsharmful")
TheDarknessIsHarmful (Number): A new selfmade challenge with the property the darkness is harmful but a lightsource is a aid (Max 3) (Good compatible with "TheSunIsHarmful")
NoJump: A challenge when you jump, deny the jump
BlockBreakInvClear: A challenge when you break a block, the inventory get cleared
DamageInvClear: A challenge when you take damage, the inventory get cleared
AllDamageInvClear: A challenge when only one player takes damage, the inventory for all players get cleared
BlocksMakeDamage (Number): A challenge when you break a block, you take damage (Max 3)
ToolBreakingChallenge (Number): Tools breaks random, when attacking mobs or breaking blocks (1%, 5% and 10% (Max 3))
ToolBreaksAll: Tools are not more usable for block drops!
The Water is Harmful: A challenge that make water to a poisonous liquid.
No WSAD (WIP): When the player moves with WSAD, he dies.
Speed Challenges: Play with (all entitys) Speed 2, 10 or 30.
Slowness Challenges: Play with slowness 2, 5 or 10.
Golden Tools: Tools (and swords) has now the durability from gold tools.

Day = Border: A challenge that needs much time to kill the Ender Dragon. Cause the border expands every minecraft day with 1 block!
You can activate the challenge with "/day=border_start"

Fun Challenges:

SoupHealing: When enabeld a mushroom stew heals you
AllwaysFaceing: When enabeld every entity faces to you
Randomizer: Blocks drops random stuff
MobDropRandomizer: Mobs drops random stuff
AdvancementMobRandomizer: When a player makes an Advancement, is a chance to spawn random creatues (Not Wither, Ender Dragon and Warden)!
Everytimedrop: A Fun Challenge to practice speedrunning with a to good drop rate!
XPMobRandomizer: When a player take XP new mobs spawn.
Delete Everything: You delete every entity, when you take damage.


Main: The Heart of this mod. This need everything to work!
Spectate: The Playerdiespectate function in this setting.
Ticktimer: A timer that count with game ticks.
Disable all: This disables all active challenges.
More Info: A setting when a player dies, displays more informations.

/PMChallenges_open (CORE): This open the menu.
/start: This starts/resume the challenge.
/pause: This pause the challenge.
/day=border_start: This starts "Day = Border"

Minecraft mod files
PMChallenges V2.1 (Forge 1.20.1).jar - PMChallenges for Forge 1.20.1 Uploaded on: 01/29/2025 - 16:20   File size: 459.46 KB
PMChallenges V1.0 (Fabric 1.20.1 Lite).jar - PMChallenges for Fabric 1.20.1 (Lite) Uploaded on: 03/31/2024 - 15:54   File size: 102.89 KB
PMChallenges V1.2 (Forge 1.19.2).jar - PMChallenges for Forge 1.19.2 Uploaded on: 08/17/2024 - 16:14   File size: 175.68 KB
PMChallenges V1.2 (NeoForge 1.20.4).jar - PMChallenges for NeoForge 1.20.4 Uploaded on: 08/17/2024 - 16:14   File size: 174.93 KB
PMChallenges V1.2 (NeoForge 1.20.6).jar - PMChallenges for NeoForge 1.20.6 Uploaded on: 08/17/2024 - 16:14   File size: 175.34 KB

V2.1 (1.20.1):

Golden Tools:
Tools has now the durability from gold tools!

Delete Everything:
Delete all entitys, when you take damage.
V2.0 (1.20.1):

I reworked the complete system, how to change the challenges and added also new options and menus for a user friendly interface!
Here are the big changes:

Everything needs now the "Main" setting (CORE) to work and not more only the core settings for the core!

New Menu system:
You can open the menu with the command "/PMChallenges_open" and comes with new slots "NORMAL, FUN, SPECIAL and CORE" that transfer you to a new menu with many new options.

You can now also "/start" and "/pause" to pause and resume the challenge!
The Challenges are cutted with max 6-7 letters (like Windows 95/98) cause of the limited space.

The new commands are:
/PMChallenges_open (CORE),

Main: The Heart of this mod. This need everything to work!
Spectate: The Playerdiespectate function in this setting.
Ticktimer: A timer that count with game ticks.
Disable all: This disables all active challenges.
More Info: A setting when a player dies, displays more informations.

Normal Challenges:
The Water is Harmful (Water): A challenge that make water to a poisonous liquid.
No WSAD (WIP): When the player moves with WSAD, he dies.
Speed Challenges (Speed): Play with (all entitys) Speed 2, 10 or 30.
Slowness Challenges (Slow): Play with slowness 2, 5 or 10.

Fun Challenges:
XPMobRandomizer: When a player take XP new mobs spawn.

Day = Border: A challenge that needs much time to kill the Ender Dragon. Cause the border expands every minecraft day with 1 block!
You can activate the challenge with "/day=border_start"

Added a few translations for de_de.