Mitchell's Mobs

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Mitchell's Mobs Showcase Video:



- Adds 'Flumgo'
Flumgos spawn in jungles and lush caves and drops 'Flumgo Meat' and 'Moss Carpets'.

- Adds 'Splitface Fish'
Splitface Fish spawn in deep oceans and drop 'Splitface Scales' and 'Splitface Fangs' which can be crafted into the 'Splitface Scale Chestplate' and the 'Splitface Fang Spear'

- Adds 'Jellyfin'
Jellyfin are a small fast mob that spawn in oceans and rivers that when killed drops 'Jellyfin Fin' and 'Jellyfin Gel' which can be used to make 'Jellyfin Soup' and 'Jellyfin Gelpad(s)'

- Adds 'Snowby'
Snowbys are similar to a Flumgo but instead spawn in snowy areas like Snowy Plains, Snowy Taigas, and Snowy Slopes. They drop 'Snowby Meat' and 'Snowby Fur' which can be used like wool to make blocks, armor sets that you can dye multiple different colours, and a special type of shield.

- Adds 'Cocona'
Coconas are small coconut like creatures that spawn on a new structure called the 'Palm Island' these structures spawn in lukewarm, deep lukewarm, and warm oceans and spawns 3 Coconas per structure. Coconas when killed drop a 'Coconut' and a 'Cocona Snout', Coconuts when right-clicked will be cut in half that gives you 2 'Coconut Slice(s)' that you can then eat. The 'Cocona Snout' works like a bow that shoots a special type of projectile called a 'Dart' that can then be poisoned using spider eyes and fermented spider eyes to deal more damage.

- Adds 'Bamboa'
Bamboas are tall bamboo creatures that hide as bamboo in Bamboo Jungles. When they are attacked they will run away as fast as they can to hide somewhere else. They drop 'Bamboo' and 'Bamboo Leaves' which can be crafted into the 'Bamboo Staff'.

- Adds 'Clouga'
Clougas are similar to Flumgo but instead only spawn in 'Cloud Structures' that spawn 150-200 blocks in the sky, they drop the 'Cloud Item' that can be crafted into 'Cloud Blocks', there are also rain cloud variants for the Blocks, Item, Clouga and the Structures.

- Adds 'Gummy Fish'
Gummy Fish are small, colourful, transparent fish that only spawn in lukewarm and deep lukewarm oceans. they drop the 'Gummy Fish Item' that can be crafted into a 'Sour Gummy Fish Item' with 'Sour Sugar' that can crafted with sugar and an apple. They also come in two colours, Red & Blue and Green & Yellow. There is also a small chance that a 'Sour Gummy Fish' spawns naturally so keep a look out for those.


This mod is still in beta, I still have a lot of things I wanna add (Also, I don't expect to get paid by this mod since I don't have a bank account yet)

Minecraft mod files
mitchells_mobs-1.0.63-forge-1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 09/15/2024 - 01:19   File size: 516.63 KB