Project CD: Avoid | Coming soon

Published by JustGameIn on
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In development
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The alpha version of this mod will be released this summer. This will no longer be an uncompleted project of mine. The description will also be updates to my brand new design and also my new website. Please go to for more information.

Minecraft mod files - All my downloads are located on my website Uploaded on: 07/24/2017 - 08:30   File size: 428 bytes

Yea I remember, progress has been made, textures, mobs, dimensions ect. However I want it on the latest version so it will probably release on 1.11

Can't wait for this to come to 1.10.2
Do you remember me(Old name - Raphazak)?

@#29 It is a uncompleted project. I will be working on this mod for the next few days to get it out of ALPHA position. It will include bugs, small amount of features for the time being. The next message I post will be based on finishing the mod.

I have not completed this mod yet. Just to let you know. I am recreating all of it. I had a mod group help creating this and it did not go out as planned. Textures were good credit to them but they were different colors ect.

I am back, I still dont feel any better. I will be working on this again. I am restarting the project since it got corrupted after resting the computer.

Here are solutions which matches your cause:

1.Recompile mod
Go to tools then recompile, or edit one of your mods
(This will check if you got any errors, you can post error message to me or the fourm)

2.Test mod on minecraft.exe
Get jar or zip of mod and put it in .minecraft mods folder
(If error pops up, this may be because you have a custom model or mob set up incorrectly. If not message me.)

3. Get a mcr file as backup and update or redownload the latest version.
Note: Get mcr file first. If you are on 1.7.10- update to next version as you cannot go straight to 1.8.8. It is recommended to stay at the latest version of this software.

If there is problems after trying this then comment back.

Hi JustGameIn I have a problem with MCreator, do you think you can help me?

basically what happens is everytime I go into a world in test eviroment, the game crashes. It used to work until in randomly crashed and wouldn't work anymore, I also made a post in the forums but no one replied to it. Please if you know something about this, Please please pleaseeee help me :(

Currently in development, it will be released 00:00 or midnight on new years eve.