Loot buckets
Please note: the Curse forge page can be found here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/buckets-o-loot
What is Buckets o' loot?
Buckets o' loot is a mod that introduces buckets full of lovely looty treats! At the moment of writing this there is a basic loot bucket and three weapon loot buckets.
What is the loot?
So far in the basic loot bucket there is:
- magma block
- beacon
- dirt
- golden apple
- ores
- seeds
- build a snowman kit
- cake
- bed
- hoppers
What is in all that weapon loot buckets are:
- Long wooden sword
- Gilded broad sword
- Wide stone sword
- Shiny stone sword
- Large stone dagger
- Mossy wooden sword
- Gold covered wooden sword
- Broken wooden sword
- Blue axe
- Extra large diamond sword
- Nether sword
- Double diamond sword
- Long iron sword
- Plump iron sword
- Large diamond sword
- Empty sword
- Blue zebra
- Taser
- Master blade
- Mince meat
- Leather binder
- Grassy pastures
- Dissector
- Fly swat
- Ice blade
- Lunar sword
Soon to be added:
Food loot bucket
Tool loot bucket
Cobblestone loot bucket (Gives stacks of sand, gravel or cobblestone)
Special thanks:
Thanks to Mcreator, your code console is amazing and very useful.
Thanks to the youtuber Iskall85 for providing me with the inspiration for this mod.
good mod