Help With Applying Custom Sounds to Melee Weapons

Started by OcellianSnurp on

Topic category: Help with MCreator software

Joined Jul 2018

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Help With Applying Custom Sounds to Melee Weapons

Good morning, afternoon, or evening, depending on when you are reading this.


As the title of this forum post suggests, I require help in applying custom sounds to an item. A sword, in this case.

Now, I already have the sound I want to use imported into the application. I just want to know how I would go about adding the sound to the weapon.

I would like the sound to replace the swing sound effect of this specific sword, but not the ones of the rest of the weapons that use the default sound.


I am currently using MCreator version 1.8.1.


Thanks in advance!


You should open this as a…
Fri, 12/14/2018 - 17:31

You should open this as a ticket; that way it has a better chance of being noticed. I don't think it's possible, though; weapon sounds are used by Minecraft itself, not MCreator, so anything you swing will automatically have that sound. MCreator can't change that. You might be able to make it play that sound in addition to the normal swinging sound, but I don't think it's possible to actually remove the default swinging sound from a weapon.