Custom Skyboxes for Custom Dimensions

Published by aidanete on
Issue description

I think that skyboxes are good and necessary to create a good dimension. Twilight Forest has a skybox with stars, Betweenlands has like a crack on the sky etc.

I will definitely. use this. If I were a developer, probably I will add this like an optional setting for the modder. For example, if you want to add a skybox to your dimension, add it, but if you don't want to add any skybox to your dimension, simply disable the option :D

(Extra idea: Another idea is an option to add clouds like Minecraft ones in custom dimensions) 8)

Issue comments

How he could know? the Dimension Skies issue public seen when he opened this ticket, or i didn't see?

Sorry, I searched first but I didn't find anything. Maybe I must search further...