SCP:The Laboratory

Upvotes: 3
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This mod add a lot of blocks and scp soon full list of block-LCZ-lczwall lczwall2 lczbottom lcztop lczfloor HCZ-hcz wall hcz top hczbottom hczfloor EZ-ezwall eztop ezbottom ezfloor

Other-Ceiling Lamp Floor Items-Now its only MTF Armor and Guard armor.



This mod is for 1.12.2

Minecraft mod files
SCPMODv0.0.1b.jar Uploaded on: 02/13/2020 - 17:26   File size: 127.02 KB

I need more information if I'm going to download it and YouTube it. ONLINE

Please add some picture of what your mod add, so more guys will download it