Planetary Voyage

Published by Huabun on
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For recipes:

This mod currently adds:


* A Basalt Layer (starts at y=20)
* A Marble Layer (found in mountain biomes)
* A Slate Layer (found in the savanna & the giant tree taiga)
* A Permafrost Layer (found in cold biomes)
* A Mudstone Layer (found in the swamp & the jungle)
* A Limestone Layer (found in the desert)
* Multiple new blocks
* Pocket Beacons
* 1 new edible
* 1 new liquid
* 2 music discs
* 4 new structures (+ loot tables)
* 2 mobs
* 1 new set of equipment (tools,armor,weapon)
* 6 new ores
* Vanilla ore variants for each new stone layer)
* 1 Battery Block (stores RF)
* If you are below y=15 or in the Nether you'll start burning therefore you'll need a Lava Charm or a Hiker's Delight

Minecraft mod files
PlanetaryVoyage_2.jar Uploaded on: 08/25/2020 - 12:32   File size: 9.32 MB

release (1.0)

*updated a lot of textures

*added Mudstone, Mossy Mudstone, Mudstone Brick, Mossy Mudstone Brick, Worn Mudstone Brick (incl. slabs, stairs, walls)

*added Limestone, Limestone Brick (incl. slabs, stairs, walls)

*added Slate Brick, Mossy Slate (incl. slabs, stairs, walls)

*added Muddy Basalt, Mossy Muddy Basalt (incl. slabs, stairs, walls)

*added 4 new structures

  - Basalt Zombie Spawner (plains, surface)

  - Frozen Dungeon (cold biomes, surface)

  - Mud Dungeon v1 & v2 (jungle, underground)

*added Mud

*added Block of Onyx, Block of Aquamarine

*added Battery Block

  - capacity: 250.000 RF

  - max input/output: 1.000 RF/tick

  - right click: shows current RF stored

*added Permafrost, Permafrost Brick (incl. slabs, stairs, walls)

*added vanilla ore variants for new stone layers)

*added Mudstone Root (jungle)

  - drops 4 sticks

*added Fossile Ore (desert)

  - drops:

    - 100% bonemeal

    - 50% bonemeal

    - 20% bone

    - 5% nautilus shell

    - 2% phantom membrane

    - 3% skeleton skull

*added new loot tables for each new structure

*added liquid hydrogen

*added liquidhydrogen bucket

*added mudzombie

*added mudball

*added music disc: Eerie

*added crafting recipes for each music disc

*bug fixed: all stone variants now have the right hardness except for basalt and permafrost related blocks

*bug fixed: all gold/iron variants & mythril can now be smelted in a blast furnace

beta (0.1.0)

*updated the mod to 1.15.2

*updated a lot of textures

*added Lunatic Bricks

*added Polished Lunatic Bricks

*added Polished Lunatic Stone

*added slab, stair and wall variants of Lunatic Bricks / Polished Lunatic Bricks / Polished Lunatic Stone

*added slabs, stairs and walls for every stone variant (incl. their bricks/polished version)

All new slabs, stairs and walls can be crafted via the stonecutter.

alpha (0.0.3)

*added a Slate Layer (savanna & giant tree taiga)

*added Hiker's Delight (credits to Millenay for suggesting this feature)

*added plant: Frozen Reeds (snowy mountains, snowy beach, snowy tundra, wooded mountains)

*added Onyx

*added Aquamarine

*altered the heat gem recipe

*added a custom music disc (creative only)

*added a new potion effect: chilled

*added Frozen Pearl

*renamed mod to Planetary Voyage

*altered the marble texture

*bug fixed: you no longer burn below Y:15 or in the Nether if you're in creative mode

early alpha (0.0.2)

*added creative tabs

*renamed "Hyper Block" to "Advanced Beacon Base"

early alpha (0.0.1)

*added Lava Charm

*added Sapphire/Mythril Ore

*added a Basalt Layer

*added a Marble Layer (mountains only)

*added custom textures for vanilla ores in theses biomes

*added a custom mob (currently no vanilla spawn) - Basalt Zombie

*added mythril equipment

*added pocket beacons

*added stone cutter recipes for marble and basalt

*added function: whilst being under y=15 or in the nether you'll burn -> lava charm