end overhaul

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Have you ever wanted the end to be more interesting, then this mod is for you

This mod adds 1 new boss, 2 mini-bosses, 1 strong mob, 3 mobs and more, in this description I will only talk about one from each mob categories

NOTE: I will not backport this mod


end overlord

-can always one-shot you

-health: 1024

-armour: 6



end snake

-damage: can't one-shot

-health: 155


-strong mob

ender infector

-health: 129

-damage: 24

-when it kills a mob it spawns an infector mite



infector mite

-health: 10

-damage: 3

-when it kills a mob it spawns an infector mite

Minecraft mod files
end overhaul v 1.4.0.jar Uploaded on: 05/10/2023 - 18:19   File size: 295.79 KB
end overhaul v 1.4.2.jar Uploaded on: 06/04/2023 - 07:19   File size: 308.24 KB
end overhaul v 1.5.0.jar Uploaded on: 08/13/2023 - 17:42   File size: 355.78 KB
end overhaul v 1.5.3.jar Uploaded on: 08/14/2023 - 08:20   File size: 365.25 KB


-added wildfrostbite (a new mini-boss)

-added ice sword


-added yogurt

-added frozen yogurt

-added frost (a new mob)

-added frost (a new item)

-replaced blue ice reparing ice sword with frost


-added endion (a new ore)

-added voided endion (a new item)


-added a recipe to make an endion ingot


-added that if the difficulty is set to hard the wildfrostbite will spawn with strays and frosts (mobs), if the difficulty is any other one he will only spawn with a group of strays


-added snareling


-fixed a stonecutting recipe bug


-updated the mod's version

-end snakes are now tameable using chorus fruit

-you can now craft a better dragon egg which hatches using a dragon egg surrounded by 4 lapis lazuli blocks in a crafting table


-added a new boss called the snareling king

-added the final boss which is called the vengeful heart of ender

-added 2 keys which are needed to craft the orb of dominance

-when you right click a bedrock block using the orb of dominance, it spawns the final boss

-one key is dropped by a boss while the other is crafted using 2 endrite ingots


-added endersalt (a new rock found in the end dimension which can be stonecut)


-added various blocks

-gave the vengeful heart of ender a second phase that comes when he's hit under quarter health

-added a super small type of island which generates in the sky

-added a new item which deals extra damage to shulker ad the vengeful heart of ender second phase

-added a unique tree called the Chorus Trees


-added endermite nests which are rare