Better Caves

Published by kian1388 on
Upvotes: 6
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Project status
In development
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bigger caves

more stones(Basalt Marble Limestone Jasber and slate)

slagmites(theres 1 out of 8 chance that cave is a slagmite cave and has slagmites)

Crystals(Red Green and Blue ones that will spawn in below y30)

skeleton miners(this skeletons have rare chance of spawning in this skeletons can open and close doors and attack you they will drop bones rare chance of  dropping miner helmet and pickaxe)

miner helmet(gives you night vision if you were it and can be repair with gold ingots)

I will make one for mc 1.15.2 in future

Modification files
Cave Update By Kian for mc 1.14.4.jar - very first one Uploaded on: 05/13/2020 - 17:42   File size: 103.89 KB
Cave update by kian1388 for mc 1.14.4 update 1.1.jar - 1.1 update Uploaded on: 05/15/2020 - 05:25   File size: 795.09 KB

in 1.0

the main stuffs

in 1.1

new textures for more stones

slagmites are in decorations tap now

How did you make hanging stalagtites, and how did you make stalagmites always generate on the ground instead of in the air?

dude actually, i think you can say him directly, you can help him make his mod

maybe even get a credit when his mod comes

aren't you guys waiting for simple tech mod easy tech and working laptops with chrome and amazon