Tier 2

Published by lt.wret on
Upvotes: 26
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+ 50 New mobs

+ 9 Bosses

+ 16 Structures

+ 10 Ores

+ Works on a server


Once you defeat the Ender dragon, empower the egg with a nether star to form the celestial key, once used your world will spawn new stronger; monsters, ores, animals, recipes & structures.


When it comes to the progression it is non-linear starting from the ore you choose to make your armour out of; For efficiency and sharpness you choose Ruby, For durability you choose Tenacium & the wild card Amethyst hosting a higher enchantment yield 5x better than gold. But its not just the combat side of things that have stronger counterparts new plants to harvest with there own unique uses, a new more advanced brewing stand to brew stronger potions. Even down to cooking your food the new grill & catering table will allow you to cook the new meat of the Highland cow & Turkey and add seasonings such as paprika to increase there effectiveness.


A large focus of this mod is the new structures, with unique residents ranging from Yetis to Murderous scientists to Wizards. Obvcourse for defeating such a challenge there needs to be some loot. For most structures they have there own rare set of armours, weapons & artifacts aswell as a common loot pool containing less exclusive but equally powerful armourments. All structure loot is equally powerful but have there own unique modifiers whether thats an AoE lightning strike or Lifesteal, there is a large range of modifers to get on your gear.


An additional end-end-game dimension is planned aswell as a follow up Tier 3 mod at some point

I made this over the 5 month span of my school closing due to Covid 19 and it re-opening.


If you would like more information please join the mods official discord here: https://discord.gg/M9JGWEQ

Made with MCreator








What mines what?
Diamond > Jade + Hexan > Ruby + Tenacium + Amethyst > Endicium + Amerite + Cobalt


What ores use a crystallizer?

Jade, Amethyst, Ruby, Endicium, Amerite


What ores use a foundry only?

Tenacium, Spectirium, Cobalt


What ores use a blast furnace?

Tungsten, Hexan


Why does my Crystallizer/Foundry not work?

A crystallizer needs a Lava container placed next to it (non-diagonally) and hexan salt as a fuel A foundry requires a Lava container in the same position aswell as a chimney on top of it. Foundry's don't require fuel


What does *this* item do that isn't in the creative inventory?

After updating to a new version of mcreator to fix a large bug it broke a lot of code and there fore I had to cut an NPC system which included 3 different factions which you could perform quests for and rise through they're respective ranks. It is a real shame to cut this content but it would take too much time to fix. Some items/features are left over from the NPC build but have no functionality


For more FAQ please check the discord (I tried making a wiki and couldnt figure out how to)



For content creators I believe all boss fight music to be non-copyright but am not 100% sure. Turn off music to be sure

Minecraft mod files
Tier2.Release.1.jar Uploaded on: 08/29/2020 - 18:00   File size: 19.82 MB
Tier2.Release.1 - 1.14.4.jar - This version has not been tested thorougly, It will run in 1.14.4 but not all features are tested Uploaded on: 01/28/2021 - 13:12   File size: 17.25 MB
Tier2.Release.3.4.1.jar - Ocean update, For full patch notes - https://pastebin.com/rLCgM4ua Uploaded on: 06/22/2021 - 20:58   File size: 18.92 MB
Tier2.Release.3.4.2_0.jar - Less monsters spawn and must be pitch black Uploaded on: 02/27/2022 - 12:01   File size: 18.92 MB

Ocean Update

Full patch notes - https://pastebin.com/rLCgM4ua

Added UI help button for Advanced work bench

Added descriptions for artifact armours

"/tier2gamerule ?" will now show all avaliable gamerules to change

/tier2discord will link the user the discord if they have any further questions

a few general bug fixes

1.14.4 release may have many glitches but is untested (only definitive change is rhino model & texture)

Okay, but... can I make an addon for additional progress of... ehmm... "post-Moon-Lord" tier? Just like Calamity or Fargo mods (especially community mods) for Terraria. I know, you are gotta do this also, but here's thing: if someone, by fantastical accidence, downloads BOTH of the mods(my, which is NoMagicAllowedHere, and yours), they might conflict. Not even in software means, but just purely logically.

Congrats for Motw, and nice mod!
However, I do have a slight suggestion; the wooden cutlass's texture is actually backwards; when you hold it, you are actually wielding the blade backwards, so it might be nice to fix it.