Alloys&Ores is a mod that adds alloys and ores to the game as well as keeping it vanilla+
Rose Gold
you get rose gold ingot using 4 gold and 4 copper ingots
then you can upgrade your gold armor in the smithing table
to get rose gold armor/tools
cobalt ore is found between y = 1 and y = 33
deepslate cobalt ore is found between y = -62 and y = -33
you can craft blue cobalt blocks with aluminum oxide
you can make cut blocks as well
you can make anodized aluminum which is available in all colours
aluminum ore is found between y = 1 and y = 33
deepslate aluminum ore is found between y = -62 and y = -33
Uranium Gives the Radiation effect when consumed or when all blocks (in exception of uranium glass) are broken
you can craft uranium glass with 4 uranium and one glass
it emits a slight light and drops when broken
Uranium generates only in its deepslate varient somewhere in the deepslate layer
Steel is an alloy of coal and iron
you can make a steel sword and dip it in uranium to deal the radiation effect
it is a more resistant than iron and great for building!
- Added Anodized Aluminum (Colored Aluminum)
- Added Steel Sword and Uranium Tipped Steel Sword
- Changed Cobalt and Aluminum Blocks Texture
- Tweaked Ores Generation
- and few other minor changes
i havent tried it, but it looks cool