Supernatural Creatures

Published by StalkyGurl on
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Werewolf is a new mob added with this mod. They have two formes - during the day they are hopeless human beings but when the sun goes down they become kings of the night. Werewolves are natural enemies of vampires and they will attack each other. Werewolves are not only stronger but also they can poison a vampire. Apart from vampires, they hunt animals and of course - the player.


A werewolf has a chance of dropping their claw that you need to make a Werewolf Power Potion - a potion that gives player strong effects but also can poison a vampire with.

Werewolf Power Potion



Vampire is a night monster that haunts the player as well as villagers. After successfully killing a villager, they turn them into another vampire. Their weaknesses are the sun and previously mentioned werewolves.


After death they may drop their fangs - ingredient needed for a Vampire Creation Potion or Cure for a Vampirism. The first one will make you a vampire and the second one will cure  you and also other vampire if you right-click on them with this potion.

Vampire Creation PotionCure for a vampirism

A difficult life of a Vampire

After drinking a Vampire Creation Potion, player can become a vampire. Other vampires will become your friends and werewolves will be even more dangerous to you. You will be strong in the night but the sun will burn you during the day. You have to take care of your thirst need - you will get a bunch of negative effects if this need fully deplete. To collect blood, kill any animal, villager or other player with empty bottle in your inventory - it will automatically fill up with blood. Remember that after death, vampire player will become human again.



Mermaids can be found in any ocean biome - there are 3 types of them (pink, gold and blue). Pink mermaid is friendly, gold one is neutral and blue mermaid is agressive.


Mermaid will always drop scales. Combining it with a diamond you can make a Mermaid Power Potion. This Potion will help you in your underwater adventures.



Ghost is a spooky monster that will haunt player in the night. He is invisible from a distance, so there is a good chance that you will hear a ghost before seeing him. They can spawn naturally and also after players death.

After killing a ghost you may get his spirit that you can use to make a Ghost Essence - another special potion.


Spell Table

Spell table is a new block that will alow player to create all of the above potions.

Modification files
supernatural_creatures-1.18.2-1.0.0.jar Uploaded on: 05/31/2022 - 17:23   File size: 1.1 MB