Uranium Mod

Published by GryX on
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I'm not very good at English so I translated this site and some things in fashion translate goggles


A new ore generating from a height of 0 to 40 per chunk on average has 7 deposits. 

It can be used to create: 2 New TNT, New Uranium Block, New Potion. From 1 ore uranium can fall from 1 to 4 pieces of uranium

Uranium Block

The block secretes white particles. It has a redston power of 10. We make it from 9 pieces of uranium

Uranium TNT

It has an explosion power of 15. It takes as many as 10 flint uses after arson. There is a 50% chance that TNT will fall out after the explosion

Nuclear TNT

It has an explosive force equal to 100 units. After the explosion, it also has a chance to be thrown away

New Liquid Uranium Potion

We make it from 1 uranium in an alchemical table, which is important, we have to put an ordinary bottle of water in the lower places. Potka has effects: Nausea (30s) Wither (25s) and Slowdown (30s) We can extend it or increase the power of the effect. There are, of course, versions of arrows, Thrown, etc.

New Biom

Rzadko może pojawić się las w którym występują pająki jaskiniowe i creepery w dużych ilościach. Dodatkowo jest tam dużo więcej uranium niż zazwyczaj



Minecraft mod files
Uranit Mod v.0.5.jar - New Biome and TNT! Uploaded on: 08/15/2022 - 11:10   File size: 80.95 KB


New Biome, New TNT and more!