This Is The Aggresive The Warned Villager That will soon Turn Aggresive and The normal one
This Is My Neat Little Mod its still in progress/its the beginning.
Im am almost New To Mcreator I created My first mod i think a year ago from this point i was bad... i mean i am still bad xD but a little better. This mod is just all kinds of stuff Like Aggresive Villagers, Ores, Weapons, armors, and so on.
To This Point i Made The Aggresive Villagers. The Aggresive Villagers are Mobs that will replace Villagers after you punched Them and will Attack you. Its not that good and still in progress. curently i am planning/making The Peace Flag with that you can richt click them to make peace.
if you have Feedback to my Mod pls comment them. And Also i Need Some Ideas to do in my mod i will try to do that but i cant promise i can do that. After i completed The Aggresive Villager Part i am going to make God Ores Like Lightning ores and cloud ores.
if you dont know how to install the mod look at this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24pkZysjfQw .
Thanks for The Help SuperMatCat24 .
Made By TiHi2k8
changelog #1.0
This Is The First Changelog What do you exepct...
Props to SuperMatCat24 .
Okay I added The Aggresive Villagers That will attack you after you punched a villager/ will replace them.
is that ok for you?????
Changelog #1.1
Just some more stuff like Metall the metall speer The Peace Flag and also a german Flag. if you want i can upload the model for blockbench so you can design the flag you want.
Changelog #1.2
Some Bug fixed Like when you punch a villager more than once He wont scream like 50 times anymore.
Changelog #1.3
i uploaded the right thing now sry you couldnt play it before. :(
Changelog #1.4
I changed it so that Aggesive Villagers wont spawn Naturally in the World from Now on
Changelog #1.5
Another Bug Fix That you Must Right Click an Aggresive Villager to make paeace. Before you could click any entity
Changelog #1.6
I added a miners chest where you can get up to 0-5 diamonds out of one and up to 12 iron ingots and up to 2 Miners Pickaxes but you cant mine with them thats for a future update. also i added a unbreakable stone block and a unbreakable black to build drungeons with them. there are no dungeons in this version but they will come soon.
Changelog #1.7
I added a lottbag that you can get from a MinersChest that will soon spawn in specific dungeons and out of them you can get good stuff like Iron Pickaxes and stone swords and so on.
Changelog #1.7.1
I Uploaded the wrong version now there is the real version of the V1.7
And Thanks for The many downloads when i uploaded my mod i thougt it would never get as much downloads as it has right now thanks to everone who downloaded it